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Sunday, May 17, 2020

5/16/20 Report - Little Additional Erosion. A Couple Beaches. A Few More Finds.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Wabasso Saturday Morning.

The waves had good height at Wabasso this morning.  It was nice and rainy - the kind of day I like - so I went metal detecting.  I also wanted to see if I could follow up on yesterday's finds.

Wabasso Saturday Morning.

I was hoping the beaches would improve a little, but they didn't change much since yesterday.  Most of the places I saw had more sand than yesterday.  There was one area that lost a little sand.

Turtle Trail Saturday Morning.
The bags down near the second flag pole were more exposed Saturday than the day before.  You can see that in these two photos.

Exposed Bags at Turtle Trail Saturday.

Despite the loss of sand, I didn't find much there.  Targets were scarce.

I did find a couple iron spikes and a small lead ball before quitting for the day.

Below are a couple photos I took at Turtle Trail Friday.  It wasn't looking good, yet I managed to find a few things yesterday, including the bronze spike and a lead strip.

Turtle Trail Friday.
I didn't photograph the same areas, so you can't really compare them.  In fact I almost forgot to take beach photos yesterday.

Turtle Trail Friday.
Here are some meager finds from today.  I was hoping for more beach improvement and some better finds.

Saturday Finds.

I did manage to get in some good field time.  I haven't put in a lot of time the past couple years and I needed the practice.

I used both the Equinox and ATX today.  I hadn't been using the ATX much lately and really needed some time with that detector.

Yesterday I showed some finds, including the bronze spike.  Below is a closeup of the crust on the spike.  I just thought it was colorful.

Encrustation on Bronze Spike.
And below is the void where a dissolved iron object had been.  I think I might be able to make a mold of that to recreate the shape of whatever was in it.

Crystal Filled Void in Corroded Iron Lump Found Yesterday.

Overall, I got in some much needed field time and got reacquainted with my ATX.  It seems if I don't use it much for a while, it takes me a while to get back in tune with it.  It is very different from the Equinox.  I wish I had more targets today so I could get a better comparison on the two detectors under real field conditions.

Seagrape Trail was still closed today.

I didn't get to look at many beaches, but it looks like this weather system didn't do a lot for us, and I think it is probably about over.

Oh, I forgot, I did manage to luck onto a modern gold band, but that isn't the kind of thing I was looking for today.


Will have to take a different approach as we get into summer conditions, but hopefully we'll have some nice storms that stay offshore and cut the beaches without doing much property damage.

Happy hunting,