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Thursday, March 6, 2025

3/6/25 Report - Atocha Silver Gilt Rosewater Platter. Carvel Style Shipwreck. Gold Mining Camp Uncovered.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Silver Gilt Rosewater Platter from the Site of the Atocha.
Source: See links below.

This platter was found salvaged from the Atocha site in 2009, and has been the subject of study and conservation.  One of the most remarkable things about the platter is the Bishop's coat of arms.

The platter is of the type that was used to hold rosewater that was used for liturgical purposes and bears the following Bishop's coat of arms.

Here is the link for more about that.  #TreasureTuesday - This "Silver... - Mel Fisher's Treasures | Facebook


A 15th-century shipwreck off the coast of Sweden may be Scandinavia's oldest shipwreck built in the innovative "carvel" style — a design that gave it the strength to carry heavy cannons, archaeologists say.

The wreck at Landfjärden, south of Stockholm, is one of five in the area that have been known since the 1800s. They were commonly thought to have been from ships dating to the Viking Age (A.D. 793 to 1066).

But last year, maritime archaeologists at Vrak, the museum of wrecks in Stockholm, revealed that four of the wrecks date to the 1600s and 1700s and that the oldest wreck was built before 1480 and perhaps as early as the 1460s...

Here is the link for more about that.

Scientists realize 'Viking' shipwreck is something else entirely

And from another article on the same wreck we learn...

It’s a large ship, likely about 35 metres long and 10 metres wide. The ship’s frame still rises high above the seabed, and in the stern, both the sternpost and rudder remain upright.

What makes this discovery particularly significant is its construction technique. “Unlike the prevailing clinker-built ships of the time, where planks overlap, this vessel was built using the carvel method, with planks laid edge to edge on a frame to create a smooth hull,” Altrock explains.

Here is that link.

Vrak - Oldest carvel-built ship from the Nordic countries discovered

And from Wikipedia...

Carvel built or carvel planking is a method of boat building in which hull planks are laid edge to edge and fastened to a robust frame, thereby forming a smooth surface. Traditionally the planks are neither attached to, nor slotted into, each other, having only a caulking sealant between the planks to keep water out. Modern carvel builders may attach the planks to each other with glues and fixings.[1] It is a "frame first" method of hull construction, where the shape is determined by the framework onto which the planks are fixed. This is in contrast to "plank first" or "shell first" methods, where the outer skin of the hull is made and then reinforced by the insertion of timbers that are fitted to that shape.  (Wikipedia)


Ancient Egyptian Mining Camp Unearthed Near the Red Sea Reveals 3000-Yr-Old Meticulous Gold-Making Process,,,

The complex contained specialized factories built in those times to extract gold from the quartz veins. The finding illuminated researchers about methods employed by ancient populations to produce pure gold. In the structure, the team noted that there was evidence pointing towards a meticulous process being followed to get the all-important gold, stated La Brújula Verde. There were appliances to grind and crush the quartz, special basins where filtering and sedimentation were facilitated, and clay furnaces where smelting occurred to extract gold. The complex reflects the important position Egypt held in terms of gold production since Pharaonic times.

Here is the link for the rest of that.

Ancient Egyptian Mining Camp Unearthed Near the Red Sea Reveals 3000-Yr-Old Meticulous Gold-Making Process


At around five AM one day, before daybreak, I a red bird evidently awoke and announced the fact with a ridiculously loud bird song.  It sounded as if he was right above my bedroom window or had a bullhorn.  It seemed so abnormally loud and early that I had to chuckle to myself.  He was really the early bird that morning.

I wondered if he would repeat the act the next morning.  Well, I was awake again, and I heard him at about the same time.  But this time is was a more muffled and much shorter song.  I thought he must of decided to push the snooze button this time.  Later, around daybreak I heard his full song in a much clearer voice.  It seemed like he awoke early and decided to go back to sleep that time.

I listened for him the next couple of days, but didn't hear him.  Maybe he chose a different roost, or I was later in arising on those days myself.



I looked at some of the beach cams this morning.  The surf was pretty calm, as you would expect from the chart.  

The weather is really nice though.  A smooth surf isn't all bad.  You can get in some shallow water hunting as long as you aren't in leased areas.

Good hunting,