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Thursday, January 16, 2025

1/17/25 Report - White Horse Whiskey Bottles. Frog Leg Feistval. Flash Bak: Reader's Describe How To Clean Clad and Cobs.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Here are a couple of found bottles.  You can see the White Horses on each bottle.  On the shoulder of both of these brown bottles is the embossed FEDERAL LAW FORBIDS SALE OR REUSE OF THIS BOTTLE, which means the bottle dates to between 1935 and 1964.

Bottoms of Both Bottles.

The bottoms are embossed with the name of the company as well as the location.

On Sir Peter Mackie’s death in 1924, the company went through a re-organisation and non-core activities such as the BBM (Bone, Blood & Muscle) flour operation were sold off and the company changed its name to White Horse Distillers Ltd., after its best known product. The company also closed the Hazelburn distillery, despite trying to rebrand the product as a Kintyre whisky to overcome the poor reputation of Campbeltown whiskies at the time.

In 1927 White Horse Distillers Ltd. was taken over by the Distillers Company Ltd (DCL) which, for a number of years, used it as a holding company and granted it the licence to a number of distilleries including Lagavulin and Glen Elgin.

DCL also withdrew White Horse blended whisky from its home market, concentrating on overseas sales, and, although the whisky itself is still produced, new owner Diageo dissolved White Horse Distillers Ltd. as a company in 2010...

Here is the link for more information about the White Horse Whiskey Distillers.

White Horse Distillers | Scotch Whisky

I just added these bottle to the site.


When you get back from the beach or if you think it is too cold, you can go to the Fellsmere Frog Leg Festival.

Fellsmere Frog Leg Festival T-Shirt.

Have you ever been to the Fellsmere Frog Leg Festival? 

The 33rd Annual Fellsmere Frog Leg Festival will be held January 18th – 21st at 22 South Orange St, in Fellsmere, Florida. They will have frog legs, gator, live music, carnival rides, exhibitors, and more. All proceeds will go to the recreational needs of Fellsmere youth & senior league ball fields.

I want to see the winner of the Miss Frog Legs competition.  Just kidding.  

Maybe they'll have one next year.  I can only hope.


The old site has been getting thousands of views every day and one of the most viewed is an old post on cleaning modern clad and silver cobs.  Since it has been getting so much attention, I decided to post part of that old post below.

First, and immediately below is how Alberto S. used a tumbler to clean clad coins.

I received a gift from my wife this past Christmas, a rock tumbler from Harbor Freight, I believe is the one you mentioned in previous posts. I finally decided to give a try using a recipe from a you tube video on the subject of cleaning clad found at the beach. 

Coins Tumbled For Two Hours.
Photo by Alberto S.

The recipe calls for a 2 hour pre-wash with water and regular fish tank gravel and then a 2 hour wash using table salt, dish washing liquid, vinegar and CLR which is the solution for removing calcium, lime and rust. I tried it on some nickels(one penny in the bunch) and the results were pretty good, see the photo above.

Same Coins After Second Two-Hour Wash.
Photo by Alberto S.

One thing I did  notice on another batch of nickels that if once removed from the tumbler after the second wash and the coins are not washed with fresh water soon after and removed from the gravel to dry they will develop some stains, which I think might be from the CLR solution not sure. Anyway, thank you for the tip about the tumbler, works really good.

Hope you  are having a great day.

Alberto S. 


Below is a method Bill P. describes for cleaning silver cobs.  I've also used it with good results.

Bill's Silver Cob Cleaning Method

Use this method at your own risk. This writer accepts no responsibility for misuse or ignorance or neglect for any person or party and for informational purposes only.

 This process uses diluted Muriatic Acid which is commonly used around swimming pools. It can be purchased pretty much anywhere pool chemicals are sold.

 A few precautions must be addressed first though. Here is a link to Bob Vila's Info on this acid .

 As stated in the Bob Vila article, I cannot emphasize enough that water should NEVER be poured into acid to dilute it. The reverse is the only way it should be done...acid into water. This acronym should be in the forefront of your thoughts when using any acid...AAA - Always Add Acid!

 How to neutralize acid; baking soda neutralizes acid very quickly so make sure you have enough on hand.

 Muriatic acid is readily available at most home improvement stores in ½ and 1 gallon sizes. It is typically a 31% strength from the bottle. I generally cut this in half to roughly 15% strength and it seems to work perfectly but you may want to experiment (again, AAA).

 I suggest that you treat one cob at a time. I use a shot glass so not much acid is required. Place the appropriate amount of acid into the shot glass and gently place the cob into the container(no splashing please). Depending on how heavily it's encrusted, it should start fizzing immediately. It may take several treatments to dissolve the encrustation but in my experience once is enough.

 Remove the cob from the solution and if you only have one cob, neutralize the acid in the glass and on the cob at once. The cob will have a dull gray color.

 Next take a small amount of baking soda (not baking powder), place it in the palm of your hand, add a couple drops of water to make a paste. Then gently rub the cob between your fingers until a bright silver sheen is revealed. It's that simple.

 In the case of stubborn encrustation there is another method that works although not as reliable as the acid treatment. However it is much safer because there are no caustic chemicals involved.

 You will need baking soda, aluminum foil and hot tap water. Make a paste with the baking soda and water, fold a small piece of foil in half, fill the folded foil with the paste and sandwich the cob in between. The whole thing may become warm as the aluminum and baking soda react. There also may be some fizzing. Once this is complete, you polish the cob as previously stated.

 It is my belief that using electrolysis can damage a cob. Years ago I watched a video when the early 1715 salvors were attempting to clean clumps of encrusted cobs. They dumped the clumps into a tub and poured muriatic acid over all of it. I never saw the finished product I'm sure it was effective.

You may want to try this first on a common silver coin instead on a cob...for your own peace of mind.

Silver and copper are insoluable in dilute Muriatic acid at room temperature.

Give it a shot!
Bill P. 

Here is the link to that post.