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Friday, February 14, 2025

2/15/23 Report - Old Weapon Hoard Found. Unfound Treasures of Atocha and Margarita. Iron Mountain. Security Features on Notes.

 Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Archaeologists with the Vejle Museum have unearthed a 1,600-year-old weapon offering, including more than 100 spearheads, lances, swords, a chainmail as well as two fragments of a Roman helmet, at the site of Løsning Søndermark, Hedensted, Denmark.

“During the examination of one of the largest weapon deposits — offered in a posthole of a house — two unusual iron plates were unearthed, both roughly the size of a palm,” Vejle Museums archaeologist Elias Witte Thomasen and colleagues said in a statement.

“At first, their origin was unclear. However, with the help of X-ray imaging, conservators and archaeologists were able to see beneath the thick layers of rust surrounding the objects.”

“The results revealed an extremely rare find — the remains of a Roman helmet.”..

Here is the link for more about that..


Based upon research conducted by Eugene Lyons, the following list is an estimate of the treasure remaining to be found on the Atocha and Margarita sites.  It was obtained by email from the Mel Fisher organization.  

• 45,000 Silver coins ..................$90,000,000
• 264 Silver bars.........................$20,000,000
• 10 Bronze cannonS.................$10,000,000
• 140 Copper Ingots.......................$425,000           
Atocha estimated manifested   
total remaining.......$120,425,000

Santa Margarita
• 80,000 Silver coins ................$160,000,000
• 169 Silver Bars ........................$12,800,000
• 4 Bronze CANNONS .................$4,000,000
• 22 Copper Ingots............................$66,000             
Margarita estimated manifested             
total remaining.......$176,866,000

Total 1622 Fleet Atocha/Margarita estimated manifested
total remaining $297,291,000    

• Un-manifested emeralds that could exceed $500,000,000
• Additional items not listed on the manifest, including silver plates,
serving ware, valuable ceramics, and other unique artifacts

The 35 chests of religious artifacts are among the most interesting to me.


The media has recently been talking a lot about the old limestone mine in Pennsylvania where the government stores Federal employee retirement records.  The way it isc covered in the media, you'd think that government records is the only thing that is stored in the mine.  That is not the case,  The Iron Mountain Company is a global records management firm that does a lot more.  Some local  Treasure Coast companies use them, including, among others, hospitals.  They store records in the mine, but also at above ground sites as well.   They also do shredding and digitizing.  They were found in 1951, but only purchased the limestone mine in 1998.

See Iron Mountain (company) - Wikipedia for more about the company.

The 2023 $100 bill includes several advanced security features to prevent counterfeiting:

  • 3-D Security Ribbon: A blue ribbon woven into the paper with images of bells and 100s that move and change from one to the other as you tilt the note.

  • Color-Shifting Ink: The bell in the inkwell and the numeral 100 in the lower right corner change color from copper to green when you tilt the note.

  • Watermark: A faint image of Benjamin Franklin that is visible from both sides of the note when held to light.

  • Security Thread: A vertical thread that glows pink under UV light and is embedded in the paper.

  • Microprinting: Tiny text that is difficult to reproduce and can be found around Franklin's portrait and other areas of the bill.

  • Raised Printing: The use of intaglio printing gives a tactile quality to the bill, particularly on the portrait and significant text, aiding those with visual impairments in identifying the note.

Making a hundred-dollar bill costs a lot more than making a one-dollar bill, in part due to the additional security features.  Fraud and crime costs us all in many ways.


Expect a higher surf tomorrow.

Good hunting,