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Friday, May 31, 2024

5/31/24 Report - Hermit's Coin Hoard Found. Ancient Armor Tested. Dugout Canoes Dug Up. Surf News.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

The Świętokrzyska Exploration Group found a treasure of coins from the 17th and 18th centuries in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. The coins most likely belonged to the hermit Antoni Jaczewicz. According to legend, the 18th-century preacher made a fortune by convincing the local population of his supernatural healing abilities.

... one of the most interesting finds was a Hamburg gold ducat from 1648, with an image of Madonna and Child, pierced at the edge of the coin, which suggests that it could have been used as a medallion.

... The coins were hidden in several locations underground.

'The coins we recovered may be part of the legendary treasure collected by Jaczewicz,’...

Here is the link.


Dendra Armor.

Bronze Age dendra armor, once thought to be only ceremonial, was tested and found battle worthy and gave Mycenean warriors a distinct advantage. 

All 13 soldiers were able to complete the protocol. They found it exhausting but doable. Their heart rates remained normal; their blood glucose concentration, blood lactate levels, reaction times to visual and auditory stimuli, core body temperatures, and other metrics all turned out okay. The armor did not hinder their performance too much, and it did a good job of protecting vital body parts. The research team also did numerical modeling that simulated heat dissipation at fighting intensities that were impossible to do with human participants due to safety reasons; this also confirmed the Dendra armor worked.

“We demonstrated that armor of this type was suitable for use in battle, not just purely ceremonial. The efficacy and variety of Mycenaean swords and spears have long been recognized. The addition of heavy armor [would have] given elite Mycenaean warriors considerable advantage over those with a shield only for defense or with the lighter scale armor in use in the Middle East,” Flouris says. Moreover, the elite fighting force wearing Dendra-style armor would have been brought to the front lines on chariots, which meant they were coming in well-rested.

Here is the link for more detail.


Archeologists find at least 8 more canoes on bottom of Lake Mendota, one 4,500 years old.

The researchers who raised two ancient dugout canoes submerged in Madison's Lake Mendota announced Thursday they had discovered fragments or chunks of at least eight more canoes in the lake, an astonishing finding that promised to shed light on millennia of Native history in Wisconsin.

The oldest is from approximately 4,500 years ago, the oldest ever discovered in the Great Lakes region. The prior two canoes, lifted from the lake in 2021 and 2022, were 1200 years old and 3000 years old. The latter was previously touted as the oldest in the region.

Here is that link.


Surf Chart From

Looks like there will be a little bump-tup in the surf for a day or so.  That is something but not much.  Moderate tides.

Good hunting,