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Thursday, October 21, 2021

10/21/21 Report - Beach Conditions Not Great But There Are A Few Slightly Interesting Spots. 900-Year-Old Sword Found By Amateur Diver.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

John Brooks Beach Wednesday Afternoon.

I went out to look at some South Hutchinson Island beaches yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon just to see how things are developing.  The weather is now much more pleasant than it was this summer.

John Brooks Beach Wednesday Afternoon.

John Brooks beach had a foot or two-foot cut that ran both north and south.  The slope by the access was petty mushy. though.  You can see the seaweed that tells you that the erosion occurred earlier and then started to fill again.

While most of the beaches will not presently provide much that is old, can be exceptions, such as locations that have obstacles to the normal flow of sand, such as rocks or sea walls.   

There have been a few locations that are not far from producing old finds.  They did not build up this summer like most beaches, and the high tides helped set move them back a little.   

I played around at one of those areas yesterday and found a few seasoned modern coins, bullets, bits of lead and an iron spike.  I haven't photographed them yet.  Most items there are not very old, but not new, and most are small.  It was entertaining enough that if I had all the time in the world, I would not mind working the area thoroughly.

If you remember my five -point beach conditions rating scale, I wouldn't give current conditions a 2 rating, but maybe something like a 1.25 because there are a few spots that provide some chance of something old and nice, though the probabilities are not great.

John Brooks Beach Wednesday.

Walton Rocks was cut less than John Brooks, but there were some cuts there.  I suspect there were small cuts along other South Hutchinson Island beaches.

Small Cut Down at Walton Rocks.

So some of the beaches were better than they were for most of the summer, yet overall, general beach conditions are far from great.


Found 900-year-old Sword.
Source: See Apple News link below.

An Israeli amateur diver found a large, 900-year-old sword dating back to the Crusades at the bottom of Mediterranean Sea last week, Israeli researchers said on Monday.

The diver, identified as Shlomi Katzin from Atlit, Israel, discovered the weapon on Saturday among other artifacts on the Mediterranean seabed, including ancient stone anchors, other anchors made of metal, and pottery fragments, according to the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA). The sword has a blade over 39 inches long and a hilt measuring nearly 12 inches, and it likely once belonged to a crusading knight...

Here is the link for more about that.

Thanks to Alberto S. for the link.


I've received a lot of great thoughts and opinions on the mystery object that I recently posted.  All are appreciated.  They range from hair clip, to book binding, to can opener - quite a variety and very mind-opening.  Even though one of those might be right, nobody seems to feel confident and I don't think we've nailed it down yet.


It has been a while since there has been any activity on the National Hurricane Center map.  Looks like we're over hurricane season, but we will hopefully have some good rough winter weather eventually.

For now the Treasure Coast surf is modest.


Beach conditions won't be changing for a few days.

I'd like to see some good low tides.  It has been a while since we had any of that.


Everybody enjoying the empty shelves and inflation?

Happy hunting,