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Monday, October 25, 2021

10/25/21 Report - Lord of Miracles Procession. 3 Tons of Silver and Gold. New Atocha Finds. Bible UFOs.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Lord of Miracles Procession in New York.
Source: See Andina link below.

The venerated image of "Señor de los Milagros" (Lord of Miracles) has been carried through the streets of the borough of Manhattan in New York City amid the religious fervor of hundreds of faithful devotees from the Peruvian community in said U.S. locality.

The procession took place after a Mass celebrated in honor of the "Christ of Pachacamilla" at Saint Patrick's Cathedral.

The religious activity, organized by the Brotherhood of the Lord of Miracles in New York, kicked off early on Sunday, October 17, on Fifth Avenue.

Hoisted on an almost 3 ton gold and silver platform, the image made its triumphal entry into Saint Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan, where the Mass was celebrated by the Archbishop of New York, Timothy Dolan, accompanied by Monsignor Guillermo Cornejo, who had arrived from Peru to participate in these religious activities...

Here is the link.

Lord of Miracles: Sacred image carried through streets of New York City | News | ANDINA - Peru News Agency

The celebration of the Lord of Miracles began in 17th century Lima.  Here is that history.

In the middle of the seventeenth century, Lima, had only 35,000 residents. This number increased steadily from that point onwards with the arrival of thousands of immigrants. Most of them were tribes from the Atlantic coast of western Africa...

In 1650 the various groups of Angolas united and created a joint brotherhood in the Pachacamilla district, where indigenous people from Pachacamac had previously lived, and where stands the church and monastery of Nazarenas and the building of the brotherhood of the Lord of Miracles. Their life conditions were those of absolute poverty. In the brotherhood's house there were large mud walls; on one of these, situated in a room where the brothers used to gather daily, one of the Angolas painted in tempera, an image of Christ on the cross.

​On November 13th 1655, at 2:45 p.m. a terrible earthquake changed the face of Lima and Callao, destroying churches and homes, and leaving thousands dead and homeless. The earthquake strongly affected the Pachacamilla district, and all the Angolas' houses collapsed, including that of the brotherhood; but miraculously, the wall containing the image of Christ on the cross escaped unharmed.

As a result of the earthquake, the Angolas moved to another area, leaving the wall with the sacred image in a state of dereliction. Fifteen years later, Antonio León, saw the image of the Christ on the cross painted on this wall in the same perfect condition as the first day it was done...

And here is that link.

HISTORY OF THE LORD OF MIRACLES -       Lord of Miracles Brotherhood - Raleigh, North Carolina (


The J. B. Magruder continues to make discoveries on the Atocha site.

Recent coins include 1 silver coin, more encrusted objects, and pottery shards.

As you probably know, few gold coins have been found from the Atocha, and the few gold coins that were found were minted in Spain.  The New World mints were not producing gold coins in 1622.


If you ran into any of the Ancient Alien TV shows that seem to airing all over TV these days, you probably have heard talk of  UFOs being described in the Bible in the book of Ezekiel.  That is absurd unless you think of UFOs as looking like "wheels within wheels," which is not how they are typically described or pictured.  But that is not the biggest problem with the interpretation.  If you continue reading what the supposed alien did in Ezekiel, you, like I, will have a hard time understanding why an alien would arrive in a UFO and tell Ezekiel to go deliver a message to Israel about their failure to be faithful to God.

Here is the beginning of that.

3 He told me, “Son of man, eat what you see. Eat this book. Then go and speak to the family of Israel.”

2-3 As I opened my mouth, he gave me the scroll to eat, saying, “Son of man, eat this book that I am giving you. Make a full meal of it!”

So I ate it. It tasted so good—just like honey.

4-6 Then he told me, “Son of man, go to the family of Israel and speak my Message. Look, I’m not sending you to a people who speak a hard-to-learn language with words you can hardly pronounce. If I had sent you to such people, their ears would have perked up and they would have listened immediately.

7-9 “But it won’t work that way with the family of Israel. They won’t listen to you because they won’t listen to me. They are, as I said, a hard case, hardened in their sin. But I’ll make you as hard in your way as they are in theirs. I’ll make your face as hard as rock, harder than granite. Don’t let them intimidate you. Don’t be afraid of them, even though they’re a bunch of rebels.”

It would seem to me that an alien traveling in a UFO would be able to come up with a better and more direct sign to Israel than Ezekiel could deliver by himself. Look at the rest of the chapter.

The main point here is that you need to look at the entire scripture rather than selecting a few odd parts and taking it out of context.  Consider the entire picture.  Consider motives too.

You might want to read the entire book.



As you can see, the predicted surf for the Treasure Coast is decreasing a little.  Still it should be slightly increased later in the week.

Happy hunting,