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Saturday, October 30, 2021

10/30/21 Report - Descendant of Chief Sitting Bull. Human Evolutionary Family Tree. Turtle Trail Yesterday.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

When scientists attempt to draw the evolutionary family tree of the human race, they would like to be able to use straight lines to show the relationships between hominin groups: one species leads to another, and so on. But this isn’t always possible. Three recent studies of ancient DNA have uncovered unique genetic markers in unexpected places, showing that our ancestors got around and interbred more than anyone had previously thought. The result is a convoluted set of relationships among early humans where once there was a simpler family tree.


The story of this new work begins in northern Spain. There, a group of Spanish researchers at the site of Sima de los Huesos teamed up with geneticists from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology to examine the oldest known hominin DNA sample, which comes from a 400,000-year-old Homo heidelbergensis thigh bone. They sequenced the bone’s mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which is passed from mother to child. “What we were expecting to see was Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA,” says Matthias Meyer of the Max Planck Institute, as Neanderthals would later occupy that part of Europe and might be expected to carry genetic material from the previous inhabitants. Surprisingly, the mtDNA is instead more closely related to that of a hominin who lived more than 50,000 years ago in Siberia’s Denisova Cave than it is to that of Neanderthals. The Denisovans were related to, but genetically distinct from, Neanderthals...

Here is the link for more about that.

Our Tangled Ancestry - Archaeology Magazine


Sitting Bull.
Source: See Cam.Ac.Uk link below.

A man’s claim to be the great-grandson of legendary Native American leader Sitting Bull has been confirmed using DNA extracted from Sitting Bull’s scalp lock. This is the first time ancient DNA has been used to confirm a familial relationship between living and historical individuals...

Here is that link.

Living descendant of Sitting Bull confirmed by analysis of DNA from the legendary leader’s hair (


Turtle Trail Friday.
Photo by DJ.

Turtle Trail Friday.
Photo by DJ.

DJ sent the above photos and some comments concerning the Florida Department of Environmental Protection links I posted yesterday.



The tides are pretty flat now.  Nothing special going on.

Happy hunting,