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Tuesday, July 5, 2022

7/5/22 Report - Land Nails. Variety of Miscellaneous Post-Holiday Thoughts.

Written by the Tressureguide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Nails, Iron, French, 1720 - 1760.
From An Identification Guide to
Recoverd Colonial and Revolutionary War Artifacts
, by Timothy McGuire.

When we find spikes and nails on the beach, it is reasonable to think they came from a shipwreck, but that isn't necessarily the case.  The handmade iron nails, shown above, were found at Fort St. Joseph in Michigan, and I would imagine are virtually indistinguishable from many found on the beach.  The author points out that nails were used "for many purposes, not just as nails."


A Variety of Random Post-Independence Day Thoughts.

I don't know if you ever saw the Red Green show, but I remember once when Red Green, who was standing in front of a run-down shack with scattered items, such as cans, an old tire and a rusty bathtub half hidden in a yard adorned by high weeds, Red Green commented on how things pile up when you don't put them away right away.  I guess that is how I am with some finds that I intend to clean or research further someday.

Anyhow, you can see the Red Green show on YouTube.  Here is one link to get you started.  (265) Red Green DIY Automatic Door Opener - YouTube

I don't always put things away right away.   Yesterday I ran across some fossil finds that I had sitting around.  I didn't know what they were when I found them, but I did the research and got the answers.  The trouble is that after a year or two or three, I didn't remember what I found out about them.  I wish, as I've said before, I had kept better records - not only of the finds, but what I learned from my research.  I should have labeled them and stored them in an organized way.  Now, I'll have to repeat my past research.  How many times do I have to learn to label things and store them in a an organized and safe manner?  It doesn't matter if you are talking about coins, fossils, artifacts, or what.   It seems you can't be too detailed when labeling or too organized when storing finds.

Anyone waiting for a delayed American Airlines flight in Reagan National Airport yesterday could have had a good view of the Washington DC fireworks display.  One concourse has windows giving an excellent view of the Washington monument and Capital Building.

How time flies.

The country celebrated its 246th Birthday yesterday.  When you have a mother that is 96, 246 doesn't seem like such a long time.  Considering a life of that length, the country was born only 2.5 lifetimes ago.  In those terms, it doesn't seem real long. and it certainly doesn't seem very long when compared to the European countries that have a much longer written history.  By the way, I was once taught that history, by definition, is written.  Seems like I remember a little of my schooling.  But now very little is agreed upon, especially definitions, which can be inconvenient, like any standards or disciplines, such as honesty.  Reality tends to clash with fantasy, if you let it. 

I found it odd to see some of the people from Broadway and the entertainment industry, who continually rail against the evils of this country, on stage singing their hearts out with songs such as America the Beautiful.  They are very at home with dishonesty and inconsistency of character.  Maybe that tactually helps them as actors and entertainers and explains why they weren't in something like science or engineering instead.

I watched the movie Independence Day.  I always wonder why in the movies, the UFOs fly just like F-16s rather than doing the impossible maneuvers we see the UAPs doing in video clips, and why their weapons aren't much better than WWII.  I'd think their weapons would be more advanced.  That might not make for a good fight though.


There is no tropical cyclone activity of interest now, and the surf remains small.

Good hunting,