Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com.
Sword Mount Found by Beginning Detectorist. See BBC.com link below.
A woman who inherited a metal detector and found two rare Anglo-Saxon items within three months said it was a case of "beginner's luck".
Mel Hollwoger, 54, unearthed a sword scabbard mount and rare gold band in fields near her home in Aldborough, Norfolk.
The mount was valued at £25,000 and both have been declared treasure.
Ms Hollwoger only took up the hobby to accompany her partner who used to hunt with his late father.
She inherited his metal detector and three months after finding her first piece, unearthed the gold, gem and cut-glass band...
Here is the link for the rest of that story.
I've heard some people say that it is skill instead of luck for them, but who can say exactly what they will find on any particular day. Your greatest finds seem to always be a surprise. Isn't part of the fun of metal detecting going out there not knowing what is waiting for you hidden in the sand and then seeing the object emerge for the first time?
Now there are wedding bands made of silicon!
14th Century Ring Found in Box of Old Finds After Nearly 40 Years. Source: bbc.com - link below |
A retired man has found a 14th Century gold ring in his garage, nearly 40 years after he first discovered it.
Tom Clark, 81, located the seal ring in a tin at his Buckinghamshire home among items which had come from his late mother's house.
The Aylesbury metal detectorist had first discovered it on farmland between 1979 and 1982, but had not realised the significance of the find.
It could now fetch up to £10,000 at auction...
That happens if you detect long enough. You don't always know the value of a find when you first find it and then you throw it in a box where it stays for years. Then years later when you look through your old finds and discover that you have something that you failed to appreciate before. But that only happens if you don't get careless and lose or throw things like that out.
Here is a video you might like. It is not about metal detecting, but is still something I think you should see. It is an exceptionally good answer to the difficult question: where did God come from.
I was forced to start using the most recent blog editor, which caused a few unexpected and unwanted changes to the blog. I'll have to make more changes before long. I've mentioned that my new posts will be in a separate blog with a different link. I don't think that will cause any problems. I'll try not to change too much else.
I've done this blog for a long time now. There were forums and discussion groups, but this blog began before Facebook and many of the other social media platforms that now exist. In fact I was not aware of any other metal detecting blog sites when I began this one. Since then they have become common.
There have been changes. One that I really regret is blogger removing the survey app. I could have learned to use some other survey app, but just didn't take the time to figure that out yet.
There are a couple changes to blogger, and I don't have all of it worked out yet.
I didn't expect to be doing this so long, and I don't know how people ever found this blog, but some have been reading this blog daily for a lot of years now. Some of you have been with me since the blog began. Other loyal readers and contributors passed away. I mentioned a few of those.
As I recently mentioned, the blogger Page View counter went over 2.5 million recently. It is already showing thousands over 2.5 million now. I don't know exactly how it works, and I'd like to have it posted on the front page. I lost the "hit" counter that used to be displayed on the front page when I switched to the new editor. That is too bad, but it didn't count exactly the same way as the page view counter.
I never did any advertising or promotion or never looked into optimization or whatever they do, so I don't know how people ever found the site. It must be completely word-of-mouth.
Since I don't advertise or try to promote or sell anything at all. It is simply something I started when I took on responsibilities that kept me from going out detecting very much, so it kept me involved by trying to help other people. At the same time it did help me. By attempting to communicate clearly it forced me to really think things through more completely than I otherwise would. I enjoy enjoy and benefit from that process. I also benefit from the many stories and contributions that people send to me.
Thanks for your kindness and assistance.
No storms to watch.
The surf is only one or two feet, and the tides are small.
Happy hunting,