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Friday, July 31, 2020

7/31/20 Report: Part II. Cone Shows Isaias To Be Over The Treasure Coast As a Level One Hurricane Now. Keep Tuned.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of


Since the morning NHC predictions for Isaias, there has been some change to the cone but not much.

The track is almost the same, but the track might be a just a little more to the west and over land, but you'll notice that the biggest change is that it now is over the Treasure Coast as a hurricane.  Before it was just a tropical storm.  So it appears that the prediction is for a slightly stronger storm and perhaps just a touch more west.

I wouldn't pay too much attention to that though.  There is still plenty of time for things to change.

The surf is supposed to begin increasing tomorrow morning and gradually work up to maximum size by tomorrow night.

Keep watching,