Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com.
Isais This Morning. Source: nhc.noaa.gov |
Not a lot has changed, but there is a lot to watch. Besides Isais, there are two more areas that could develop. One is just coming off of Africa, and is not in the above image.
Cone For Isais Source: nhc.noaa.gov |
As you can see, we are in the cone, but the center of the cone is just off-shore.
I looked at some of the models, and some models have Isais hitting land down south and going west. It doesn't look like we would get much of anything, if that is the way it goes. One model has it moving quickly and being a level one hurricane as it passes us just off-shore. That model shows it being a stronger storm and moving more quickly.
The image above shows the storm getting here by early Sunday AM. Some models have it moving more quickly than others.
Surf Predictions. Source: MagicSeaweed.com. |
Magicseaweed is showing the biggest surf for the Ft. Pierce area to be around 9PM Saturday.
The outgoing tide will be around 12 PM.
It looks like the wind will be north only for a short while.
Here is a summary of what you need to know from the weather forecast office.
Thanks to DJ.
Joe D. took a shot at finding the ring that was reported lost on instagram.
I happened to catch today's post early enough this morning to attempt a low tide hunt for the lost ring at Palm Beach Shores! It was quite a hike, and the beach was packed! So i stuck to wet sand, and shallow water! I had about a good hour before the water was to deep to function! The large amount of Sargassum weed was the biggest hinderence to hunting; along with the boat wakes!
In the end, i found several lead weights, fish hooks, trash, and a few coins! I wish i could have gotten there about an hour earlier, as the tide was falling! But locating the approximate site area took more time than i anticipated, and was father away than i thought!
There was one other detectorist in the water, as i was leaving! He had a dedicated water detector! Hope he had better luck! He was later than me to arrive; and i didn't get a chance to speak with him! So i don't know if he was also hunting for the ring, as he was a few hundred feet North of the estimated loss location!
The incoming storm will probably alter the ring's location dramatically! But who knows, hopefully someone will get lucky, find, and be able to return it!
Depending on the damage we receive, or hopefully lack of!!🤞 I may attempt another another try or two!
Thanks for trying Joe. And thanks for sharing.
Stone with Calcite Crystals Surrounding Hole. |
I picked up this rock with calcite crystals when I picked up some fossils a week or two ago.
Notice the calcite crystals surrounding the hole in the rock. I don't know how that happened, but my guess is that the rock once surrounded a shell that now only remains as calcite crystals.
That is my wild guess. Let me know what you think happened.
Below is a closer view of the calcite crystals formed around and appearing to emanate from the hole.
Closeup yView of Small Hole Showing Structure of Calcite Crystals. |
As I mentioned before, calcite crystals are the most collected Florida gem. I've talked about calcite crystals and fossilized shells in the past, including in the following very popular post.
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Bernell Trammell Independent Thinker and Champion of Free Speech Murdered. |
I saw the story and wanted to pay respects to Trammell as a representative of the many lives being lost to the moral disease running rampant in our country.
I was reminded of a famous psychological study that I read several decades ago: The Three Christs of Ypsilanti. Each of three patients in a particular mental institution thought they were Christ. They were put together. They argued for a while, but eventually found the discussion futile, so discontinued.
That is very much like our country now. One big difference is that anybody can find a forum or group that supports their position and helps them, without the necessity of independent thought, become more fossilized and radical in their position. All the answers can be found online repeated ad nauseum for the susceptible who then go out like automatons to police any divergent thought or speech.
Many, including much of the media, seem incapable of reading or hearing a sentence as given. Words are ignored or added as suits the position. Then they attack what they thought they saw or heard, or what they felt was meant or implied, whether it was or not. Very often the argument they attack has little relationship to the idea that was actually presented, which leaves the attacker with the feeling of success, even when the mark was completely missed. The original thought was neither heard nor understood, yet it is believed to be successfully addressed or refuted, while the other side sees the issue as remaining unaddressed.
Keep watching for developments.
I'll be back when I learn more.
Happy hunting,