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Monday, July 6, 2020

7/2/20 Report - Vintage Nautical Postcards. Thrift Store Numismatic Find. Age Poll.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of

Vintage Postcard Showing Captured Two-Man Japanese Submarine.

On the subject of postcards for research, nautical subjects are common.  Here is one postcard in my collection.  The back reads: The two-man Japanese submarine was captured off Oahu Island on December 8, 1941.  This suicide craft is 81 feet long and 6 feet in diameter and weighs approximately 17tons without the electric motor which was removed to lighten it.

(They must of had a decent battery.  See

The only means of entrance and exit to the submarine is through a 16-inch hatch at the top of the conning tower.

In addition to the two 18 foot torpedo's, which were carried in the forward end, the submarine had a demolition charge of TNT sufficient to blow up two entire city blocks.

I don't know where this postcard came from but would guess my father picked it up during the war.  

And here is another example, postmarked Sept. 2, 1924.  It was sent from a pastor to members of the congregation mentioning that upon his return from Israel, he would be giving a sermon entitled "The Footprints of Jesus."


I recently did a post on a great thrift store find of treasure hunting memorabilia.  One of my favorite treasure coin books was found in a thrift store years ago.  Here it is.

I use it often and have referred to it many times in this blog.

It shows the largest selection of Spanish colonial coins I have seen anywhere.  The only problem is that it is written in Spanish.  Still you can find the photos and easily make out the important details.


In 2014 I did a poll in this blog to determine the age of those who metal detect.  Here is what I learned.

Of the 152 (very good sample size) who responded to the poll, only 1 person was under 25.  

Even more surprising to me is the fact that only 7 (2%) of those that responded to the poll were 35 or under.  93% of those that responded to the poll were 36 or older. 

According to the poll, the peak age group was 56 - 65 (33%).  That certainly corresponds to the beginning of the retirement years, so maybe it is a matter of leisure time.

23% were 66 or older. There is a time when detecting becomes more physically challenging.  It does seem that among hard-core detectorists, they continue until it becomes difficult.

I decided to go back and look at the results of that poll after reading that the new coronavirus cases seem to be coming from those who are 30 and under.  As my poll numbers show, people of that age  are seldom detectorists.

I'd like to do more polling but haven't taken the time to select a new polling app after blogger deleted their poll app.


St. Lucie County Beaches will be closed during the 4th of July weekend.

Vero beaches will only be open for residents of the county.

There are no developing storms in our area of the Atlantic and the surf remains calm along the Treasure Coast.

Happy hunting,