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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

4/1922 Report - Another Method of Scooping Up Treasure. Old Electrolysis Kit. Bigger Surf Coming.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the ezclusive use of the TreasureBeachesReport

Kelly-Kleen Electrolysis System.
I found this booklet in a box of old research materials.  I purchased the Kelly-Kleen electrolysis system back in 1992.  The receipt is attached to the booklet.  It still works and I still use it once in a while even though I've had it for thirty years.  It isn't often you purchase something that is still used so many years later.

You can use a lot of things to do electrolysis these days.  You probably have everything you need around the house.  Maybe you'll need a package of alligator clips. 

In 2018 I did a post telling how to use a common AC adapter to do electrolysis.

Here is the link.

The Treasure Beaches Report Direct From Florida's Treasure Coast.: 7/2/18 Report - Cleaning the Roughest of Coins: Acid and Electrolysis Comparison. Easy to Build Electrolysis Tank.

I still remember the first time I used the Kelly Kleen.  I overdid it and ruined a buffalo nickle.


Here is one more photo from the 1941 National Geographic article I mentioned yesterday.  It is the one showing a salvage diver using a diving helmet.

Source: 1941 National Geographic Magazine.

I can't find that photocopy right now, so I can't post the name of the people shown.

Deep-Dive Scoop.

Here is another way to scoop up treasure.  A large and extremely sturdy basket with a 30-foot adjustable handle.

I've used the Deep-Dive.  It works, but it is a lot of work.   It is one way to scoop up underwater treasure without getting wet.

That is another old thing I found in my box of old papers.

I once showed the Deep-Dive scoop in an old post.  Here it is.

See The Treasure Beaches Report Direct From Florida's Treasure Coast.: 6/26/13 Report - It's not over til the Fat Lady sings. Producing Beaches & Big Scoop.

I put the shovel in the scoop just for size comparison.  It is a regular shovel.  It has three lengths of heavy PVC handle that can be attached.


Durham: I Have Evidence the FBI & CIA KNEW Trump/Russia Was Bogus (

Durham is making a lifetime job out of finding out what everybody already knew for years.   Give those DC folks credit for finding ways to get on the public money train.



So tomorrow we should see a bump in the surf.  Tides are still pretty good too.  

Good north wind started this morning.

I haven't been able to get out much lately.   It has been a difficult year.

Good hunting.