Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.
Previous Beach Renourishment Project in Fort Pierce. Source: See knowherenews link below. |
Here we go again.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Jacksonville District, will begin a beach renourishment project in mid-April in Fort Pierce....
This project is being executed under an $8.5 million contract awarded to Great Lakes Dredge & Dock, LLC, of Oak Brook, Illinois, in September 2020. It calls for the placement of approximately 460,000 cubic yards of material drawn from the St. Lucie Shoals Complex, an Outer Continental Shelf borrow area located some 3.5 miles offshore. Offloading will take place from inside the south jetty of Fort Pierce Inlet.
The project is 77.76% funded by the federal government and 22.24% funded by St. Lucie County. Temporary restrictions to immediate work areas on the beach will be in effect while placement work is under way. Active monitoring of sea turtle nesting and relocation of nests will be conducted through the completion of beach operations...
Here is the link for more details.
Inert Mine Washed Ashore. Source: See NBC News link below. |
The Broward County Sheriff's Office said a deputy on patrol discovered the device on the beach in Lauderdale-By-The-Sea, about 30 miles north of Miami, at 2:30 a.m. Sunday...
The device had the word "inert" written on it, but authorities on the scene called a bomb squad and the Air Force "out of an abundance of caution."...
You can find additional details here.
Thanks to DJ for the above links.
Odd Piece Found Saturday At Turtle Trail |
I found this item at Turtle Trail Saturday. I didn't pay much attention to it, but now I'm curious about what it might be. I used the magnet test, and it is iron. It reminded me a little of a saw blade, but I sort of doubt it was ever sharp, although I guess it is possible. It looks like it was once longer. Both edges look like they are broken.
Closer View of Teeth. |
It seems to be composed of layers.
Edge of Same Item. |
It could be simply ornamental, but I get the feeling that it could have had some utilitarian purpose, but I don't know what it could be used for. It reminded me of the part of the wrench shown below, although I know that is not it.
Any ideas of what it could have been used for other than simply ornamental, which is a real possibility?
Since the weather is so nice and there are so many people on the beaches now, modern finds seem to be popping up with regularity.
Here is one that popped up this morning. It is small but gold and has a small clear stone. Looks like an older style ring though, but definitely modern.
Gold Ring With Small Stone Found. |
We're getting a northeast wind but east swell and a two or three foot surf.
Happy hunting,