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Thursday, October 20, 2022

10/20/22 Report - Sedwick Auction Goes Live Nov. 3 and 4. Mystery Item. Another Maya Resource.


Written by the Treasureguide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

So the Sedwick treasure auction is going live on Nov. 3.  Get registered if you want to bid.

Live Online Auctions - Daniel Frank Sedwick, LLC (


Here is an old metal detector find that took me a long time to figure out.  My confidence level is still low.

Some people thought it was for a bolo tie, and that might be correct.  

The closest thing I even found to it was a device shown at the middle of the harness shown below.

Horse Tack Showing Item Similar
to the Above Mystery Item.

That is by far the closest thing I have found to the mystery item.  You can see that chains are passed through it.   I still don't know what it would be called if anyone can help me with that.


A great book on the Maya is World of the Maya by Victor W. Von Hagen.  Very early in the book he tells how the long canoes of the Maya would travel thousands of miles.  I recently mentioned the controversy about the Maya being in Florida and traveling to the Bahamas.  Alan Craig, according to Vernon Lamm, claimed their canoes could not travel that far.  

To me it is interesting how every book I pick up to read, gives information related to the other books I've recently read.  


I saw where Stacey Abrams was selling abortion as a way to be able to deal with higher gas and food prices.  Her children-for-food program is a new one to me and seems to represent an odd set of values, especially coming from someone who evidently is not in any danger of starving.


There is nothing much in the predictions.  There is no tropical activity right now, but there is a low just to the south of us.  The tides are high with very little low tides.  The surf on the Treasure Coast will be around two or three feet, according to  The wind is coming from the northeast, and I wouldn't be surprised if the surf was a little bigger than that.

Remember the civilians in war torn areas and the hurricane victims.  I'm sure they still need help.

Good hunting,