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Sunday, October 9, 2022

10/9/22 Report - Treasure Coast Beaches Building. Coins Cleaned and Identified. Mel Fisher Research Archives.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

John Brooks Beach Saturday Morning.

I went out ot the beach Saturday morning to see what was going on.  As expected, the beach had been building since the erosion that occurred when we were having the south wind.  Since then we had a northish wind and a relatively small surf.

John Brooks Beach Saturday Morning.

As I mentioned yesterday, a northeast wind can hit many of the Treasure Coast beaches at a near 90 degree angle due to the direction of the Treasure Coast shoreline.

Frederick Douglass Beach Saturday Morning.

I did see a couple detectorists Saturday morning despite the less than ideal conditions.

Drew said,

You got me! I was at John Brooks
Yesterday! Found a pair of Raybans. Although conditions were not ideal I hit the beaches anytime I am here from Pa.
I did find a handful of things north of pepper park yesterday behind the 1st condo but mostly junk approx 9 inches down at water line near low tide. Plan to head up to turtle beach access this morning and try my luck...

Ill let you know if i find anything.

Good luck, and thanks Drew.

I  told Drew to see if Turtle Trail is open yet.  A couple beaches up that way were still closed yesterday.

I recently posted some finds from TM.  They included a cross, ring, and two coins.  I told TM to clean the coins so he could get a better look at them.  After doing that, here is what he said.

Hi, thank you for your information. Vinegar did clean them up enough to that I can see the quarter with the cross on it looks like a San Antonio mission quarter. I can now see the 2019 on it. Which I could not see before cleaning it.

The Nathan Hale coin dose have a date of 1976 on it.

Here are those two coins after cleaning.

I haven't found details on the Nathan Hale coin yet, but believe it might be a bronze bicentennial commemorative coins, which would probably put the typical asking price around ten dollars or less.  I have no new details on the cross or ring.


On the first page of this blog you'll find a list of links, including the Mel Fisher Research Archives link.  If you haven't looked at that, you should. You'll find a bunch of great information.  There are many site maps showing where various items were found.  There are lists of artifacts found, as well as many useful illustrations and links.  


Track for Tropical Storm Julia

Julia won't affect us, and the Treasure Coast surf will be small for the next week or so.


Good hunting,