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Friday, October 21, 2022

10/21/22 Report - Recent Photos and Conditions of a Number of Treasure Coast Beaches. One Ring Find. Slightly Higher Surf For Weekend.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Here is a survey of the condition of the Sebastian/Vero area beaches.  Joe D.  took the photos Wednesday.  Seagrape and Turtle Trails were both open. 

Thanks Joe.

Joe said he didn't find much other than the following ring, which he thought was probably copper alloy.  Evidently it had been out there a while.

Ring Found by Joe D.

Yesterday (Thursdau) the wind was from the north for a while, and the surf a little rougher. but as you can see from the photos above, the beaches weren't in great condition prior to that.


As you can see, Saturday we'll have a little higher surf.  Once you get in the four - six foot area there could be some erosion.  That is sort of the borderline area when it is possible to get some decent erosion, depending upon other factors.  A good ripping wind at a good angle can produce some erosion with that size surf, but there are a number of additional factors that will help determine if there will be any significant erosion.

Good hunting,