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Saturday, May 6, 2023

5/6/23 Report - Men Accused of Trying to Illegally Sell Treasure Coins. Ocean Temperatures At Record High.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Two men who tried to sell 44 rare Anglo-Saxon coins worth £766,000 have each been jailed for five years.

Craig Best, 46, and Roger Pilling, 75, were caught in a police sting in May 2019, Durham Crown Court heard.

The coins are thought to be part of a multimillion-pound haul buried by the Vikings and should have been handed to the Crown to be declared treasure.

Best, from County Durham, and Pilling, from Lancashire, were found guilty of conspiring to sell criminal property.

They were both jailed for five years and two months.

The coins are thought to have been part of the Herefordshire Hoard, a haul of about 300 coins found by two different metal detectorists in 2015.

In 2019, the two discoverers were jailed for selling the items and not declaring them as "treasure" under the Treasure Act 1996...

Here is the link for more about that.

Anglo-Saxon coin plotters Craig Best and Roger Pilling jailed - BBC News

(Thanks to SuperRick for that link.)

Giving evidence in his defence, Craig Best said he had known co-accused Mr Pilling, 74, for 10 years.

They were keen metal detectorists but had no discussion about selling the coins, he said.

He claimed Mr Pilling had told him that he had bought the coins before the Treasure Act 1996 was brought into law.

Ron Bude, a coin expert in America, was contacted by Best to confirm whether the coins were genuine, the court heard, but became suspicious and contacted colleagues in the UK which led to the undercover sting...

And here is that link.

Durham man had 'no idea' selling Anglo-Saxon coins was illegal - BBC News


Ocean surface heat is at record breaking levels.  Temperatures began climbing in mid-March and skyrocketed over the course of several weeks, leaving scientists scrambling to figure out exactly why.

Temperatures have fallen since their peak in April – as they naturally do in the spring – but they are still higher than they have ever been on record for this time of year...

Although it’s still preliminary data, if it holds up, he said, “this is another milestone.”

The record may not seem huge – it’s nearly two-tenths of a degree higher than the previous record in 2016 – but given how much heat is needed to warm up this huge body of water, “it’s a massive amount of energy,” Matthew England, professor of ocean and climate dynamics at the University of New South Wales, Australia, told CNN...

Here is that link.

Ocean temperatures are off the charts right now, and scientists are alarmed | CNN



Looks like an bit of an increase in the surf is coming.

Expecting some good high tides today.

Good hunting,