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Friday, September 22, 2023

9/22/23 Report - Watching the Weather for Changes in Beach Metal Detecting Conditions. What AI Has To Say About It.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.


 We have one area of weather that quickly developed off the coast of Florida and is already mostly north of us.  It is labeled sixteen on the map shown above.  Lets see if it will be sending some north winds our way.


So the answer is yes, but not real strong.

How about waves?

Waves map from

Again the answer is yes, but not real high, and the direction is northeast, but probably too easterly for a lot of effect on Treasure Coast beaches.

I'm sure that some of the areas north of us, such as the Outer Banks will get some good action again.

A look at the predictions is consistent with that.

Here is the surf chart for the Vero Pier area.

Surfguru Surf Chart for the Vero Pier Area.

So we are to get a four-to-six-foot surf today (Friday).  I generally figure that six feet is about borderline for improving beach conditions.  There is enough surf for some good beach action depending upon the angles.

You'll see from that chart that the wind is from the north today, but the surf angle is more easterly.  Too bad.

It is one of those kinds of days when the weather is pleasant enough to get out and enjoy the beach, but the best detecting spots will be what I'd call smaller special situation areas.

You might also consider dry sand areas, which, although low probability, have produced some of my better modern finds.   

Don't forget that October and especially November have been good metal detecting months on the Treasure Coast in recent years.  There was some good erosion and lot of finds in those two months the past couple of years    That is when we start getting cold fronts coming through.

There is another topical system in the Atlantic that seems to be headed our way.  I'll be watching it for the next few days.  At this time it looks very much like Nigel.


As Hurricane Lee tracked slowly westward in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on Sept. 10, three new weather models developed in the private sector predicted the storm would make landfall in Nova Scotia about a week later. With the storm still thousands of miles from North America, the forecasts turned out to be an astonishingly accurate achievement for technology not long ago considered to be in its infancy.

Generated by artificial intelligence, the models are orders of magnitude faster and cheaper to operate than conventional, government-run weather models. While AI models don’t yet provide all the capabilities needed for operational forecasting, their emergence portends a potential sea change in how weather forecasts are made, and they could signal a new chapter in the weather forecasting rivalry between the United States and Europe...

Here is that link.

How Big Tech AI models nailed forecast for Hurricane Lee a week in advance (


Desperate Disney CEO Says Company Will 'Quiet the Noise' of Woke Culture Push Amid Nearly $200 Billion Loss - But Will It?  That is the title of an article.

"The new strategy, Iger told investors at a Tuesday meeting, is to "quiet the noise" and pull out of the culture war."

So they finally figured out that a big part of their customer base is made up of intergenerational traditional-values families. 


If anyone goes out today I hope you'll send me some beach photos.

Good hunting,