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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

9/8/20 Report - Sand Porosity. Small Cuts This Morning On Some Beaches. Two Tropical Storms.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Surf Tuesday Morning.

I got out to take a look at a few beaches this morning.  There were a few showers, as you can see. 

The surf wasn't big, but there were a few surfers out.

Some of the beaches were really sandy, but there were a few scallops and small insignificant cuts in places.

Small Cut This Morning.

A little to the north there were some nicer cuts.  Some were just under two feet.  One stretch was cut mid-beach for about a hundred yards or more.

Beach Profile At Walton Rocks Tuesday Morning.

My other pictures didn't come out too well.  There wasn't much light early - too little for my cell phone camera it seems.

John Brooks Early Tuesday.

The beach frontt was steep and very mushy at John Brooks.  Really a lot of sand piled up on the front beach.

John Byrooks Tuesday Early

There was a lot of small shells along the high tide line.  Not very good though.

I didn't take my detector out, but found a very small shark tooth.


Here is a little experiment.  You know how sometimes the sand is firm and other times not, and how sometimes the water rushes back down the slope about as fast as it came in and at other times almost just disappears.


I lost the source for this, so if anyone knows where it came from I'd like to post the source.



As you can see, there are not two tropical storms, but they aren't likely to affect us.  They are predicted to turn north well before getting to us.

There are, however, some other systems due to come off of Africa that are supposed to remain more to the south.  You'll probably be hearing more about them in a few days.

Looks like we'll get more surf later in the week.


Happy hunting,