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Monday, September 21, 2020

9/21/20 Report - Despite High Surf Almost No Erosion On The Treasure Coast Beaches So Far. Beach Conditions.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Turtle Trail Around 9 AM Monday.

I went out to check the South Hutchinson Island beaches yesterday.  Nothing was going on there yet.  You'll see the pictures below.

I went out this morning (Monday) to check some of the Vero area beaches.  There were a few people metal detecting.

Here is what I saw.

Turtle Trail Monday Morning.

Just some cloths on the tops of the bags were showing this morning.

Turtle Trail Around 9 AM Monday Morning.

At Wabasso, the recent renouishment sand was still covering the dune faces.

Wabasso Monday Morning.

Wabasso Monday Morning.

Pretty much the same at Ambersands.

Ambersands Monday Morning.

Below is what I saw on South Hutchinson Island yesterday.

John Brooks Beach About 4 PM Sunday.

I took a look at John Brooks Sunday about 4 PM. which would have been a little before low tide.  The water had been back to the dunes, but there were no cuts at all.  It looked a lot like the last time I was there, which was five days ago when I posted the following photo.

John Brooks Beach as Shown On My 9/15 Post.

As you can see, the beach hadn't changed much.  One difference is that the high tide mark was farther back today.  There were actually bigger waves on the 15th, but they surf will be higher tomorrow.

Here is how John Brooks Beach appeared Sunday afternoon looking south.

John Brooks Beach Sunday Around 4 PM.

Frederick Douglass looked about the same.  This time in a short video clip.

Frederick Douglass Beach Around 4:30 PM Sunday.

Some people like the videos.  You can see the water action in the videos.  Maybe that is one reason.  It does give more views, but I have to keep the video clip short in order to be able to upload it to blogger.

So in summary, we got some high surf but I haven't found any erosion yet.  Here is what I said yesterday.

 According to MagicSeaWeed the primary swell will continue from the northeast for a few days.  I'm not sure, however, that the swell will be coming enough from the north to really rip the beaches.  In fact, I'm sort of doubting that.  And we have a secondary swell that is not so favorable.

And as it turns out, it didn't come enough from the north.  The wind was more from the north than the swells.  

Maybe we'll get something in the next couple of days though.  And maybe the dunes will get hit in some places.  

This morning the water was almost to the dunes at Turtle Trail at 9 AM, and that wasn't high tide.  The problem with that is that there is still renourishment sand covering the dune face in most places.

Here are the surf predictions from MagicSeaWeed.  You can see when the peak surf is today.


Still hope.  And I'm sure that if you hunt around enough, finding those spots where there are rocks or obstacles you will be able to find some better spots, even if they aren't where you'd like them to be.

Happy hunting,