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Monday, August 23, 2021

8/23/21 Report - Mystery Item Help Requested. Another Corroded Find. Small Surf Today.


Written by the Treasureguide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Antique Tail Light Assembly.

I found this tail light assembly in an area where I've found Ford model-T parts before.  This doesn't look like a model-T tail light assembly to me, so I'd like help in identifying it.  At the top of the top lens is a DB in a circle.

Another View of The Same Tail Light Assembly.

There is a clear lens shown above at what I think is the bottom of this assembly.  

Here is the model-T hubcap that would have been for something like a 1913 wood wheel.

Model-T Hubcap.

Let me know if you can identify the the tail light assembly.

I found a couple antique iron window sash weights at the same place but left them there.  

Less Than Two Inches of Broken Chain.

And here is a small section of a broken chain that is a little less than two inches in length.  Do you think it is made of silver or not?

Below are a couple close-up views to help you out.

Closer Views or Same Chain.

Doesn't look very good, does it?

You can see where iron has attached to the surface of the chain.

And here is the area where I rubbed it on the touch stone for acid testing.  

End Link Where Rubbed On Touch Stone.

The bright area is where I rubbed it on the touchstone.

There are two important things to get here.  First, corrosion and other materials can obscure the surface of an item, and two, when making a rubbing for acid testing, you have to get beyond the surface patina and expose the basic material.

The chain did test out as silver.

How old the piece of chain is, I do not know, but obviously it has some age to it, and it was next to other metals that leached on to it.


It seems like the most recent post isn't coming up for me automatically.  If you have that trouble, just click on the 2021 on the blog archives and it will display the most recent post.



The only thing of much interest to the Treasure Coast on this map is the yellow X way out in the Atlantic.  We'll have to wait to see how that turns out.


Monday the surf will be small.  During the week it will increase a little, but not much.

Happy hunting,