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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

1/11/22 Report - More Erosion Today Than Yesterday. Beach Conditions Improved - Near Level Three. Some Older Stuff Being Dug.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

John Brooks Tuesday Morning.

John Brooks beach was more eroded today than yesterday.  The cuts at John Brooks were about a foot higher than yesterday, and some spots that were just dips yesterday were cut down about a foot today.

I'll get right down to the bottom line.  I'd rank beach conditions as nearly a three on my five-point scale.  There is a good chance that a cob, or a few cobs, will be found.  

Not all beaches are sufficiently eroded, and some of the best spots might not be accessible or recently covered with renourishment sand.  Nonetheless, I believe there will be a few spots where old things might be found, and I'd say that there is not a good chance that a few (very few) could be found.

John Brooks Beach Tuesday Morning.

To the north at Brooks there was an area where a thick layer fo shells was a few inches below the sand.

I walked a good distance south, unfortunately I took some videos with my GoPro but did something wrong and haven't been able to get those videos to post in the blog.  I have to change formats or something.

South of Frederick Douglass beach I found some good cuts and even one area where the peanut butter color sand was covered by just a few inches of sand.  I found a buffalo nickel there.  I also found what looks like a small flat piece of silver, but it will take some cleaning before I can tell what that is.

Here is a cut than ran over a hundred yards with a few interruptions.  I also saw some cuts that were up to three of four feet.  Unfortunately, I took those with the GoPro, and that didn't work out.  Maybe I'll be able to work that out.

Another Long Cut To The South of Douglass.

There were some coins, but not a lot considering the amount of the erosion.  Still it was more interesting for metal than it has been lately.

There are some decent spots out there right now, but you might have to look around to find the best ones.  



The surf is predicted to keep increasing, reaching a peak of up to six feet tomorrow.  Too bad the high tides are not big now.

Maybe I'll get some of my videos working and be able to post some of those later.

Happy hunting,