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Saturday, October 5, 2024

10/5/24 Report - Amazing Story of Berlin Airlift. Numismatic Crime Warnings. Special Update: Possibility of Hurricane Milton Tracking Towards Treasure Coast.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Kids Waiting for Candy to Be Dropped by Planes of the Berlin Airlift

One of the most impressive things I've seen for quite a while is a documentary on the Berline Airlife.  The airlift is one of those examples of America being great.  It was a multinational effort, which makes it even more great.  It seems very relevant now because of how some areas of the United States were recently isolated for days without receiving any help as the federal government was either unable or uninterested in providing any significant effort to help.  Why will become clear in the next month or so. 

The Berlin Airlift is one of the most amazing efforts of mankind outside of war time.  Planes were landing every three minutes being quickly unloaded and leaving to be replaced by other landing cargo planes.  German mechanics of the recently defeated German AirForce jumped in to help maintain the planes provided by the same countries that recently defeated Germany as the delivered much-needed food and supplies.

For 18 months, American and British aircrews literally flew around-the-clock bringing coal, food, medicine, and all of the other necessities of life to the 2 million inhabitants of war-ravaged West Berlin.

Over the course of the Berlin Airlift, the Allies safely delivered an astonishing 2.3 million tons of supplies, solely by air – an accomplishment unprecedented in history...

On June 24, 1948, the Soviet Union closed all surface routes into the western zone of Berlin. Citing "technical difficulties," the Soviets blockaded the city, hoping to force the United States, Great Britain, and France to abandon Berlin and thus sabotage currency reforms and the unification of the western zone of Germany. The Allied response was neither retreat nor war, but a unique reply made possible only by aviation - an airlift. Two days after West Berlin was sealed off, the first transport plane of "Operation Vittles" landed with vital supplies. For 18 months, American and British aircrews literally flew around-the-clock bringing coal, food, medicine, and all of the other necessities of life to the 2 million inhabitants of war-ravaged West Berlin. Despite impossible odds, the Berlin Airlift succeeded in winning this, the first battle of the Cold War...

To keep turnaround time to a remarkably low average of 49 minutes, crew members were not allowed to leave the immediate vicinity of their airplane when unloading the aircraft. Three vehicles met them: a mobile canteen for refreshments, a weather and operations car for briefing, and a maintenance truck for service.

Moved by the plight of the children of Berlin, one of the pilots, 1st Lt. Gail Halvorsen, cheered them up by dropping small bundles of candy tied to handkerchief parachutes as he approached Tempelhof. His gesture sparked an enthusiastic response from the Air Force and the American people as "Operation Little Vittles" became an overwhelming humanitarian and public relations success...

Here is the link.

Supplying a City by Air: The Berlin Airlift | National Air and Space Museum (

There are many videos about the Berlin Airlift, and if you are like me, you'll be amazed by what they were able to do.  I highly recommend looking into this topic.  Operation Vittles is especially heartwarming.

One pilot got the idea of dropping little handmade parachutes holding candy to the kids as they went over.  It turned into a big thing.  The children eagerly watched for the pilot that tipped his wings to signal candy drops.


Considering the recent criminal activity within the past ninety days, the Numismatic Crime Information Center (NCIC) is issuing a warning to coin show dealers and promoters to remain vigilant and take proactive security measures.

Reports received by NCIC show a surge in brazen thefts indicating a disturbing pattern: after dealers participating in coin shows have fallen prey to orchestrated criminal activities. NCIC has been closely tracking the recent spike and analyzing similarities in coin show related offenses that have occurred across the country. Currently NCIC is assisting law enforcement agencies in Illinois, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Maryland, Texas, and Tennessee...  
Source: Coin Dealers Targeted By Organized Crime Groups Following Coin Show Attendance (


Numismatic and precious metals buyers are already wary of receiving counterfeit or altered products. But now, the level of criminal activity against them has increased enough that multiple organizations have recently issued safety alerts...

On August 29, the National Coin & Bullion Association warned its members about the increasing threat of Courier Fraud.

This crime involves crooks impersonating law enforcement, government, or bank officials, contacting a victim claiming their financial accounts have been compromised. Then, the victim is persuaded to use their funds to purchase coins or precious metals to assist in an alleged investigation and entrapment of criminals. After the purchase is made, the scammers arrange to take delivery of the goods, supposedly needed as “evidence” or for safekeeping. Instead, the thieves disappear along with the valuables...

Here is that link for more about that.

Numismatic Hobby/Industry Besieged By Criminals - Numismatic News


I just updated this section with a new NHC map which shows development in the Gulf and the possibility of a Hurricane Milton passing over us around Wednesday or Thursday.  Below is my latest map.  Thanks to DJ who just alerted me to the latest developments.

Below is the output of the ECMWF model as shown on

Wednesday 12 AM ECMWF Model from

Wednesday 10 PM ECMWF Model from

That looks like big erosion but expect a lot of beach closures.

The models have pretty good agreement at this time.  So be prepared.

Models show it becoming a Category 2 hurricane before making landfall in West Florida.  Some of the models show it passing over Central Florida and the Treasure Coast causing strong north winds as it moves out into the Atlantic.

Good time to start preparing for the possibility.


We are still seeing very high tides along the Treasure Coast.

Notice the 9 to 11-foot surf that is predicted for next week.  That, combined with the high tides, would create something like we saw in November of 2020 (I think it was) when some very old and nice metal detecting finds were made on Treasure Coast beaches.  Some of those areas were recently cut back, which makes them a little more vulnerable to erosion if the right conditions do hit.

You want to be prepared if that all comes together again.

I believe there will be a lot more confidence Monday concerning how this develops and what direction it will take.

Good hunting,