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Sunday, February 21, 2021

2/21/21 Report - Vero Area Beaches Open, But Conditions Little Improved.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Turtle Trail Sunday Morning.

I showed some of the main wreck beaches yesterday.  Today I visited some of the Vero and Wabasso beaches.  

Turtle Trail had a cut that was at it's highest about four feet.  It not much different from yesterday.

Although there was a cut, targets were very scarce.

Very little cloth from the bags was showing anywhere.

The most erosion I saw started between the first and second flag pole and got small down around the second flag pole.

Turtle Trail Sunday Morning.

If you just looked from the access, you would see very little erosion.  Nothing like what was to the south.  

I also took a picture from the access at Seagrape Trail, but it showed very little erosion today - less than yesterday.  I don't know what happened to that photo.  

Wabasso had a small cut running along the beach.  More similar to Seagrape.  Not as big as what I showed for Turtle Trail.  I forgot to take a photo there, but found targets very scarce there too.

The good news is that Turtle Trail, Seagrape Trail and Wabasso were all open.

There was erosion today, but it wasn't very productive.  As you know, and as I showed a couple of days ago, it depends upon where the erosion is relative to the treasure.

Also as you know, we've had weeks of mostly accumulating sand, so even three of four feet of moved sand still doesn't get you down to the older layers.  Some of the recently accumulated sand washed away.

John Brooks and Frederick Douglass, that I looked at Saturday, looked very much like Turtle Trail and Wabasso in some ways.  There were some cuts on all of those beaches, but there were very few shells, and the sand was mostly a fairly course brown sand with almost no black sand.

I doubt if Brooks and Douglass changed very much last night.


Sunday night we're supposed to get a peak surf of five to seven feet.  Unfortunately the wind will be from the east.

I don't think that will improve conditions much, if at all.

Happy hunting,