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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

6/16/21 Report - Mystery Find for ID. Location of Sarabay Revealed. Spanish Colonial Pendant.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Interesting Mystery Find.
Find and photos by Jason T.

Jason T. found this mystery object in a pile of shells after a renourishment project.  He said it is non-ferrous and does not respond to a strong magnet.  

He asked for help in identifying the object.

It looks to me like there are some letters around the object.  Also seems to be some markings on what I would call the bottom.

Mystery Find by Jason T.

Bottom of Same Object.

Side View of Same Object.

Send in all of your ideas and thoughts on the object.

See if we can figure this out.


 The University of North Florida archaeology team is fairly confident they have located the lost Indigenous Northeast Florida community of Sarabay, a settlement mentioned in both French and Spanish documents dating back to the 1560s but has not yet been discovered until now.

The type and amounts of Indigenous pottery the UNF team is finding, combined with the type and dates for European artifacts as well as cartographic map evidence, strongly support this location as being the late 16th/early 17th century Mocama settlement...

Here is the link for more about that.

UNF - Media Relations - UNF archaeology researchers uncovering lost Indigenous settlement

And here is another link.

Uncovering The Lost Indigenous Settlement Of Sarabay, Florida | Ancient Pages 


Here is an interesting silver gilt pendant from the Spanish Colonial period with ties to 1715.

Spanish Colonial Églomisé Pendant with Papal Bull of 1715, Late 17th Century.

Here is the link for more details.  

Spanish Colonial Églomisé Pendant with Papal Bull of 1715, Late 17th Century | EBTH



There is an area in the Bay of Campeche that has a 60% chance of becoming a cyclone in the next 48 hours.

This is the time of year you need to start watching storm developments.

I hope you benefited from the three post discussion of masking and target separation.  

With the tons of iron I have been digging from the railroad site, a lot of masking could be going on.  

At this point from what I've dug, I would guess that there are something like 40 bottles that could remain buried on the search site.

Happy hunting,