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Thursday, July 1, 2021

7/1/21 Report - Treasure Coast In The Cone of Tropical Storm Elsa. Waves and Beaches. Ancient Seal Impression.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

We are now in the cone of uncertainty for tropical storm Elsa.  It is early in the storm season, and according to the predictions, Elsa should be no more than a tropical storm if she does come our way.  Of course that could all change, but that appears to be the likely scenario.


Today I was going to detect the hole I found a couple days ago, but found that it had deteriortated since then.  I should have checked the angle of the waves before I went there. When I got there today, quickly saw that the hole had deteriorated.  I wanted to check the beaches anyhow, so it wasn't a great loss.

There was a bend in the beach and a couple days ago the southerly waves were slicing the beach as shown above, but when the angle of the waves changed, the hole filled in again.

The angle did change as much as shown in the diagram, but it was enough.  Today I struck out.

I posted a photo of that particular spot Tuesday.

Before a storm you can benefit by checking the state of the beaches.  Some will take more erosion than others to become productive, and some will be more affected by waves from different directions.  I saw one spot today that was only about a foot of sand from becoming productive while other areas were much more deeply buried.

Here is John Brooks.  

John Brooks Thursday Morning.

John Brooks Thursday Morning.

John Brooks Thursday Morning.


A team of archaeologists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) made a rare discovery when they unearthed a small clay seal impression dating back some 7000 years. The impression, with two different geometric stamps imprinted on it, was discovered in Tel Tsaf, a prehistoric village located in Israel's Beit She'an Valley up north...

Here is that link.

Sealed, signed and delivered | EurekAlert! Science News


Keep watching Elsa.

Happy hunting,