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Thursday, February 24, 2022

2/24/22 Report - State of the Beaches Around the Treasure Coast.

 Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Wabasso Beach In Front of Disney Resort.
Photo by Jim M.

Look at all that sand!  

Thanks Jim.

As you all know, many of the beaches have been renourished recently.  You really have to look around for those few better spots and may have to walk a good distance to get to them, but there are a lot of beach goers and so there should be some good modern items to be found.

DJ sent the following series of beach photos.  That will give you some idea of the state of some of the beaches.

Beach At Seagrape Trail Wednesday.

Beach At Seagrape Trail Wednesday.

While Seagrape Trail is now open, Turtle Trail and Wabasso remain closed.

South of Sebastian Inlet.

South of Sebastian Inlet.

Treasure Shores.

Treasure Shores.

Ambersands Beach.

Ambersands looks like one of the steepest and most natural of the beaches shown above even though a lot of renourishment sand can still be seen there.


My guess on the age of yesterday's mystery object, and I want to stress that it is only a guess, would be very late 19th century or early 20th century.   The "sterling" mark has been used in the U.S. since about 1860, not becoming a requirement until 1906, I think it was.  Maybe the context would help Russ with that.



The surf report isn't very exciting.

Happy hunting,