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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

2/1/22 Report - Nice Coin Find. Some Beaches Lower and Continuing Moderate Surf Predicted. Guide to Meteorites.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Vatican Coin Recently Found
 at Juan Ponce de Leon Beach Sunday by Marti T

Marti T. found the above Vatican Coin Sunday at Juan Ponce de Leon Beach.  Here is what Marti said about that.

Thought you might enjoy seeing this silver Vatican coin I found yesterday.  It was halfway between the surf and the high tide line, along with a fairly obvious line of other heavy targets (fishing weights).  It rang up a solid 30 on my Nox 600 and was about 6" deep.  The other heavy targets were about the same.  I was seeing original beach 2-4" below the top sand.  Pretty cool experience and I wanted to share it with you.

Thanks for all your hard work on the Treasure Guide.  I really enjoy it.


Here is what the beach looked like. I saw another photo of a beach up that way that showed the sand down pretty good too.

Erosion at Juan Ponce De Leon Beach Sunday.
Photo by Marti T.

Thanks for sharing Marti.


In years past I got several questions from people who found lumps of whatever and wondered if it might be a meteorite.  There are a few readers from other areas of the country who do hunt meteorites and know a lot about them.  In any case, I thought the following Guide to Meterorites might be interesting.  

It gives the basics for determining value, basics about the three types, and provides some good photos.

A Collector’s Guide to Meteorites | Science and Popular Culture | Sotheby’s (

Talking about space, last night the sky was clear and the Treasure Coast was treated to a great view of the Spacex launch.  You could see the booster detach and return to the pad.  Here is a view do the booster separating, and you could clearly see that with the unaided eye.

Source: SpaceX Launch Today - Bing News



We are going to get some decent surf in the near future, but there will be few north winds.  The wind will be coming mostly from the south or west.

The tides are getting bigger.  I've been hoping to catch a good negative tide, but haven't managed yet.

Happy hunting,