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Thursday, May 12, 2022

5/12/22 Report - Beach Conditions On Some Indian River County Wreck Beaches.

 Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Yesterday I showed you John Brooks and Frederick Douglass beaches and how they responded to the recent higher surf. DJ sent these photos from some of the wreck beaches of Indian River County.

Above below is shown Turtle Trail.

You can see all the renourishment sand, some of which is washing away.

The next two photos are from Seagrape Trail.  

You can see about a four-foot drop-off in the renourishment sand.

Below is Wabasso.  

All of those photos are from DJ.  Thanks much, DJ

There is a lot of renourishment sand at those beaches.

There won't be much more rough weather as we get into summer, but probably some storms that will move some sand.

Surf Predictions.

As you can see, the surf will be decreasing for a few days.  The low tides will start to get a little bigger.

I have some finds to clean and photograph.  Hopefully get to that soon.

I also have a lot of coins I need to look through, such as the half dollar coins shown below.  You can see the silver one (4th from the left).

Half Dollar Coins.
One Is Silver.

Good hunting,