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Thursday, January 26, 2023

1/26/23 Report - Museum Loses Thousands of Pounds of Historical Artifacts. Lost Diver Found Alive. Ancient Silver Hoard.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Source: See DailyMail link below.

Police are investigating the suspected theft of thousands of pounds of historical artefacts left with a museum for safekeeping which dismayed metal detectorists who found them as well as archaeologists.

The important archaeological finds, that include a hoard of Roman treasure, were passed over to museum officials by the finders as required by law.

The objects were meant to have been kept in a locked and secure unit inside the council-run building, before being sent to the British Museum for assessment and valuation.

But an email sent to the unlucky finders has confirmed their disappearance in circumstances that warrant a police investigation...

Here is the link for the rest of the story.

Thanks to DJ for that link.


Maybe you heard this on the TV news.

A diver who found himself swept out to sea off the coast of Florida with no help in sight thought all hope was lost before his family mounted a miraculouss rescue mission.

Dylan Gartenmayer, 21, was free-diving near a reef in Key West when a sudden current took hold of him on the ocean floor.

By the time he surfaced, Dylan had been dragged a mile out to sea, and completely lost sight of his friends and the boat.

Here is that link for more of that story.
Diver Swept Out to Sea Reveals He Lost Hope Before Family Rescued Him | Inside Edition


Source: See LiveScience link below.

Ancient silver hoards from Israel and Gaza, which contain not coins but irregularly cut pieces of the precious metal, may be the earliest known silver currency in the region and likely came from the faraway regions of what is now Turkey and Europe, a new study suggests.

These newly analyzed hoards date to about 1550 B.C., hundreds of years earlier than other discoveries of silver currency in what is now Israel and Gaza, the researchers said. However, not everyone agrees that this is a new finding, with some experts noting that other research has already found that silver currency was being used during the Middle Bronze Age in this region...

And here is that link.

3,600-year-old hoards may contain the earliest silver currency in Israel and Gaza | Live Science



So it looks like the Treasure Coast surf will be decreasing.  A cold front will be coming through.

The tides are still big today.

Good hunting,