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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

1/3/23 Report - A Closer Look At a Spanish Four Reale. Stunning Event Gathers Hopes and Prayers Of Americans.

Written by the Treasureguide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Beach Found Four-Reale

I decided to take a close look at a beach found four-reale.  ,In the above photo you'll notice a number of things.  The denomiation "4" is obvious, as is part of the shield.  To the right o fthe shield is a narrow stress crack.  Also notice the less distinct parallel line running along the edge running up and to the right.  I wonder if the cob was filed there.  

Another View of Part of the Same Four-Reale.

When you closely look at a cob that has been corroded nad cleaned, It shows the effect of both so it isn't always easy to tell what was caused by the strike and what was caused later.  On this cob, you can see some small globs near the right edge of the coin (as shown above).  They look like splashes, but I don't know if that is what caused them.  What do you think?

Rust on One Part of Same Four-Reale

You can see some rust on remaining on the surface os the upper left corner of the cob.  I personally don't like too heavily clean cobs.  There is enough smoothing from the sand and surf.  

You can easily see the pitted surface.

If you correctly light this cob, you can see that the surfaces in the depressions are not as clean and smooth as the high surfaces.

Below are the raised blobs that I mentioned above.  Maybe they came off

Small Splashes or Globs of Silver on Surface of Cob Coin.

Splashes or imperfections can easily look like something intentional, especially on certain parts of the coin.  I'm pretty sure the "S" looking thing above is just an imperfection.


Yesterday afternoon, later than usual, I was ready to push the button to publish this post, but I didn't.  I didn't know what, but something was missing.  I decided to put it off.

On Monday night football with millions watching, a young, healthy, athlete fell to the ground when his heart stopped during a routine football play in front of America.  The game was no longer important.  Stunned viewers stood shocked and waited silently through the evening hoping for some bit of good news.  Players for both teams gathered, along with those in the stadium and around the country and prayed.  A large part of America, including all walks of life, economic levels, religions and political persuasions, were united by the sudden tragedy they had just witnessed.  Entertainment turned into a shocking life and death situation.  America's attention turned from the game to what was really important.  

Every day people are murdered, fine people and families are destroyed by drugs, seemingly random acts of violence are committed in the streets, missiles drop on schools and apartment buildings, human trafficking, homeless living on the streets, deluded people abuse the minds and bodies of our young people in the name of education, lives of innocent individuals are destroyed for political reasons, as America is dragged into the sewer.  Somehow all of that is glossed over, ignored, or even made out to be virtuous.  And those who pretend to be the most caring of us all, ignore the death and destruction, while others knowingly participate in the assault for ego, greed or profit. 

When the shocking truth hits you so quickly that it cannot be hidden or disguised, it cannot be ignored.  It is stark, and it is real.  It binds good men with a single focus.

The Last Judgement by Heironymous Bosch.

Edmund Burke said, "Evil succeeds when good men to nothing."  

So far I might have painted a discouraging picture, but Truth wins in the end.  In the meantime, the battle between Good and Evil marches on.