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Thursday, October 12, 2023

10/13/23 Report - Very Old Metal Detector Find. Treasure Coast Beach Check. Symbolism of Passion Flower.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

John Brooks Beach Thursday.

The wind was blowing pretty good from the southwest and I got a chance to take a look at a couple beaches.  

John Brooks Beach Thursday.

As you can see John Brooks was very sandy.  Seems like it has been a long time since that beach produced any shipwreck items.  A lot of sand will have to move first.

Fort Pierce South Jetty Beach Thursday.

Fort Pierce South Jetty had a seven foot cliff, but the front wasn't very firm, and targets were scarce.


A family was using a metal detector to search their yard for a lost earring and they found a 1200-year-old Viking brooch.

Here is the link for more about that.

Make sure to metal detect your yard.   You never know.


DJ sent the following in response to the passion flower topic I posted yesterday.

 I am glad you featured this wonderful plant. It grows wild in parts of Central Florida where I grew up. The parts of this flower had religious meanings and I have sent you a link to some of these in case your readers wanted to read about that.

  • the five petals and five sepals taken together represent the ten faithful apostles (excluding St Peter the denier and Judas the betrayer) 
  • the flower's radial filaments or corona represent the crown of thorns 
  • the three stigmas represent the three nails and the five anthers the five wounds (four by nails and one by the lance) 
  • the tendrils represent the whips used in the flagellation of Christ.


There is some activity in the Atlantic, but it is still far away and probably won't affect the Treasure Coast.

The surf is supposed to decrease for the next week or so.

Good hunting,