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Monday, December 14, 2020

12/14/20 Report - Contents of EO. Coil Ear Problems and Repair. Nice High Tides.

 Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Pepper Park Around 10:40 AM.
Photo by DJ. 

If you looked at the blog at the right time today, this photo was less than five minutes old.  DJ sent it right after taking it and I got it and posted it right away.


It seems the coil ears are a common problem. Here is what Joe D. said about that. 

 I've had two different Nox coils break coil ears! It's a fault with the molding process, and/or the thermoplastic formulation! MineLab will not acknowledge that this is a problem, but they do replace the coils without a problem, under warranty! I've never had this problem with any other coils!

Jerry P. came up with the following fix for a broken coil ear on his Garrett Infinium.

He said, I had a similar failure on one ear of my Garrett Infinium coil as you talked about in yesterday’s Blog.  Here are a couple of photos showing how I repaired it. I added two scrap pieces of plastic (I used part of a surplus electrical outlet box) and epoxied them on either side of the broken ear mount. Worked like a charm!

Jerry P's Coil Ear Repair.

Another View of Jerry P's Coil Ear Repair.

I never had a coil ear break, but I've had some that didn't hold very well without some additional care or help.

Thanks guys.


EO Dug by DJ

DJ used an acid bath to clean the EO and found the following inside.  Here said, After brief acid bath,  heavy sharp edge grey/silvery metal appears. Slightly magnetic. 26g or 7/8oz.

Three Views of the Cleaned EO.
Photos by DJ

Your thoughts and opinions, as always are welcome.  


Some finds are more sparkly than others.


The surf will be around two to three feet for a few days, but the high tides Monday are going to be nice and high.

Happy hunting,