Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.
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Two-Escudo. Lot 48 in the Most Recently Concluded Sedwick Auction. |
Take a good look at this two-escudo. Does it look right to you? Anything look funny?
To me it didn't look right at first glance. It looked more like a fake coin made from a mold rather than a genuine escudo. Then I read the lot description.
Here is it.
So do you see why it looks so soft and smooth and why the finer details are missing? It was "polished."
It looks like heavy polishing removed or blurred the details, making it look more like it was made from a mold. At first glance I might mistake it for a copy made from a mold. The details on a coin made from a mold are not as sharp as a stamped coin. The metal just doesn't flow into the small cracks and crevices of a mold, although some are better than others.
Of course, the polishing knocked down the price.
So there is damage that is caused by nature and, there is damage that can be caused after a coin is found, such as by using the wrong method of cleaning or overcleaning a coin.
On a related subject, DJ just sent me a link to a video on the Fisher cob grading system. I don't usually post links to YouTube video, but I think most of you will find this one interesting. It is not anything really shocking or new, but still good.
When you look at the video, notice particularly the buffed examples he shows.
Here is the link.
Shipwreck Coin / Cob Grading Scale - YouTube
Thanks DJ.
The one-year-old, 14,000 TEU capacity container ship, ONE Apus, has set a dubious new record. It encountered severe weather about 1,600 nautical miles northwest of Hawaii while sailing from Yantian in China to Long Beach, California. In the violent storm, it is believed to have lost or damaged over 1,900 containers, a record for boxes lost over the side. Of these, 40 are believed to be Dangerous Goods containers. Container News suggests that the ship may have lost up to 25% of its cargo. The ship was diverted to Kobe, Japan for assessment.
To put the scope of this casualty in context, the loss on the ONE Apus appears to be greater than the total yearly loss of containers from all ships worldwide...
Container Ship ONE Apus Sets Record for Boxes Lost Over the Side at Over 1,900 (oldsaltblog.com)
Thanks to Dean R. for that link.
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Recent Image From Sebastian Inlet Beach Cam Submitted by JamminJack. |
JamminJack sent me the above image with the following email.
This area, which we used to surf back in the 70s, was called Spanish House. A lot of coins and artifacts were found over the years. This is also the spot believed where the inlet was located near Longpoint.