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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

12/23/20 Report - The Christmas Star and the Archaeology of Christmas. Christ Coins and Finds.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.
Submitted by Alberto.

Maybe you've heard about the Christmas star, which is what some are calling the recent conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, which occurred on the 21st of December.  Maybe it was the Christmas star referred to in the Bible, but I doubt it.  In any case, the conjunction is something to see and can be viewed to some extent with the naked eye, but to see details a decent telescope will help.

Above is a photo of the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn..  If you look closely, although it is difficult, you can see some of the moons around Jupiter and rings around Saturn.

Thanks to Alberto for sending me that photo.

Here is a link where you can learn more about that.

“Christmas Star:” Saturn-Jupiter Great Conjunction 2020 (

By the way, the New Testament Greek word translated star, according to the Complete New Testament Word Study Dictionary, could also refer to other luminous heavenly bodies besides those that we now classify as stars. 

In 1614 Johannes Kepler suggested the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn that occurred in 7 B.C.  as the Christmas star.


If you've been metal detecting very long you probably made some nice Christmas finds.  Maybe they weren't made on Christmas Day, but close enough.

JamminJack sent me this one.

Here is what Jack said about that.

Used to spend XMas on the Treasure times fly!

Looking for some images of past XMas finds by me or friends to send you before Christmas.

Christmas is celebrating the most important event which occurred two thousands years, ago! Rare to see anyone other than a church goer mention it is a religious holiday.

Covid 19 could be seen as one of the true signs that Christ will return, or second coming. This global disaster is in Revelations. Try telling anyone, and they will call you nuts!!

Also, nothing wrong with finding something good on Christmas. When I found something good I would look up and say thank you.

If I remember, this was found towards end of the year. Carlos II coins and the cross were found in what was probably a leather pouch near Treasure Shore, which was also believed to be an extended campsite for the survivors.


Just a note on the use of XMas as short for Christmas. Some don't like that usage because they think it removes "Christ" from Christmas, however some, including myself, consider the X in the abbreviation to be a Greek Chi rather than an English X.  You can see one of those in the christogram shown below.

Chi Rho

Chi Rho
The Chi Rho is one of the earliest forms of christogram, formed by superimposing the first two letters—chi and rho—of the Greek word ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ in such a way that the vertical stroke of the rho intersects the center of the chi.

Christos would be my Anglicized pronunciation of the Greek word shown in red above.  

You might also enjoy this article entitled The Bible Archaeology of Christmas, which gives the archaeological evidence of many of the Christian beliefs concerning Christmas.

Here is the link.

Very good article.


While I'm on this topic, here is an article showing ancient coins depicting Jesus Christ.

Here is the link.


The wind is now from the southeast.  The primary swell is E/NE, and the surf will be running 2 - 3 feet most of the week.

Happy hunting,