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Sunday, September 5, 2021

9/5/21 Report - Bigger Surf Coming To Treasure Coast. Testing and Evaluating Jewelry. Gold Filled.

Written by the Treasure Guide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.


After a very slow and long hot summer with mostly southeast winds and small surf, it would be nice to see a change.  MagicSeaWeed is predicting a 5 - 7 foot surf around Thursday.  However, it does not look like the wind and surf will be coming from the north, so you might want to check beach areas that are more vulnerable to south flows.  Maybe I'll expand upon that some other time.


Hurricane Larry will stay out to sea, but will send us some swells.

Waves Wednesday - From Icon Model.

Wednesday Winds - ICON Model

With the wind holding up the waves, it looks like there might be some good surfing.

Watch for further developments.


Gold filled jewelry is jewelry composed of a solid layer of gold (typically constituting at least 5% of the item's total weight) mechanically bonded to a base of either sterling silver or some base metal. The related terms "rolled gold plate" and "gold overlay" may legally be used in some contexts if the layer of gold constitutes less than 5% of the item's weight.

 Here is what wikipedia says.  Most high quality gold-filled pieces have the same appearance as high carat gold, and gold-filled items, even with daily wear, can last 10 to 30 years though the layer of gold will eventually wear off exposing the metal underneath. The layer of gold on gold-filled items is 5 to 10 times thicker than that produced by regular gold plating plating and 15 to 25 times thicker than that produced by gold electroplate (sometimes stamped HGE for "heavy gold electroplate" or HGP for "heavy gold plate", which have neither of them any legal meaning and indicate only that the item is gold plated).

Here is an item marked 1/20 14KT GF.

Catch on Scarab Bracelet Marked 1/20 - 14KT GF.

That "gold filled" link is on a scarab necklace find.

1/20 means the item is 5% gold (the gold being 14kt).  It is basically costume jewelry, but it has some gold to it.

You have to be careful with things like this though.  You could get fooled.  The catch might not be the same as the rest of the item.  That was the case for this item.

I assumed the bracelet was not very good.  It just didn't look like anything great to me.

Despite how the catch is marked, I looked to see if I could find any other marks because sometimes a catch is added or is not the same as the rest of the item.   I tested the metal that holds the stones.  They acid tested out as 14k.     

14K Scarab Bracelet.

I should have paid attention to the safety chain.  A safety chain usually suggests an better piece.

There might be another carat mark somewhere, but I didn't find it.

After researching scarab bracelets, I learned they are better than I thought.

So the point is that the various pieces of an item may not all be made of the same metal.  And, there are some jewelry features that usually suggest a better piece.  In this case, it was the safety chain.

Testing gold-filled jewelry can be tricky.  There is just a thin layer of gold, so generally speaking you will see some signs of gold in your streak that will show up.  When you get deeper than that layer, of course it will not test good.   

Here is an earring that has a screw post.  In my experience that is one of those signs that indicate better piece.  This earring is clearly marked 14K.

14K Marked Earring.


Keep watching Larry.  I'm expecting a few holes to open up later in the week.

Happy hunting,