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Thursday, November 18, 2021

11/18/21 Report - Largest Metal Detecting Coil. 5,500 Ancient Silver Coins Found. Stone Balls. Bigger Surf.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.


More than 5,500 silver coins buried by a river about 1,800 years ago are now in the hands of archaeologists, following the hoard's discovery in Augsburg, Germany...

Archaeologists found the hoard earlier this year in an old riverbed. But though the coins were scattered in the newly dug pit, that likely wasn't how they were originally placed. "The place of hiding was probably washed away many centuries later by a flood of the Wertach river, scattering the coins in the river gravel," Krmnicek said...

Here is the link for more about that.

Massive hoard of Roman-era silver coins unearthed in Germany | Live Science


Metal Detector Coil 115 Feet in Diameter Carried by Helicopter

He’s looking for the key minerals — cobalt, copper and nickel — that go into the batteries that can power clean energy technologies, particularly the incoming demand from electric vehicles.  That is why in August he watched as a helicopter flew past with a massive metal detector swinging beneath it, scanning a vast section of this remote Canadian wilderness.

The device, akin to a giant dream catcher at 115 feet across and weighing 1,700 pounds, peered a third of a mile into the earth by using an electromagnetic current. The data it collects is key to trying to speed up what has traditionally been the slow, painstaking process of mineral discovery...

Here is that link.

Mining the gap: Companies push to find raw materials for electric vehicle boom (


A few days ago I was talking about artifact interpretation and mentioned a stone ball.  I mentioned a few alternative interpretations.  I ran across an article about natural objects that can look like cultural artifacts.  One in particular was relevant to the stone ball.

Natural Objects that Masquerade as Cultural Artifacts | The Office of the State Archaeologist (

And here is an article on geology that explains how stones can get caught in potholes where water movement washes them around until they are round.

See Potholes (

Here is an illustration from that article.

Rock Being Rounded in Pothole.

I might expand on that in the future.  

Helpful article.



Today's surf was  3-5 feet, tomorrow supposed to be something like  4 -6, and Saturday, something like 4 - 7.  

We'll see how that goes.

Happy hunting,