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Monday, November 22, 2021

11/22/21 Report - Some Beaches Showing Reduced Levels of Sand and Getting Down To Older Layers. More Surf To Come.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Tracking Station Beach Sunday.

Cliff R. sent in this report and the pictures from Tracking Station.  Below is what he said.

I planed to go early but got delayed because of the rain. A

Thought I'd share beach conditions from Sunday at the tracking station beach at low tide. Some scalloping of the beach north of the lifeguard tower. Odd how it was only visible north of the tower.
Found a few Zincoln cents and a clad dime at the intermediate weed line.

Tracking Station Beach Sunday.

Layers At Tracking Station Beach.
Illustration by Cliff R.

Thanks Cliff.

The only photo I got Sunday was the one below.  I planned to take more but got hit by a thunder storm.

Turtle Trail Sunday Afternoon.

It was one rainy day, but there were targets, including a lot of old lead pieces.

The beach was a little lower than Saturday at the first flag pole - but very little.  Farther south down by the bend there was more sand loss at one area where the orange/brown sand was near the surface.

Dug Bits of Lead and A Couple Bits of Copper or Copper Alloy.

Other dug items are being cleaned.

I've been busy and haven't had much time the past two days.  I didn't get out today, so I don't know how things have changed since yesterday, but yesterday there were some interesting areas and I wouldn't be surprised if a few cobs were found.  There were some spots were some old items were dug.  

I'd say that beach metal detecting conditions are now at least somewhat improved even though I didn't get to see any beaches today.   Beach conditions are slightly improved, and it looks like there could be more to come.


Notice the four to seven foot surf predicted for Wednesday.

Happy hunting,