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Friday, November 19, 2021

11/19/21 Report - Higher Surf Coming But Limited Sand Moved So Far. Gold Coins Analyzed. Seeing the Unseen.

Written by the Treasure Guide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

North of John Brooks Beach Friday Afternoon.

I took a look at a few beaches this afternoon just before low tide.  As you can see there was some scalloping and cutting, but not much.  The water was rough, but it was not hitting at a good angle.

Here are some other views.

Looking North From John Brooks

There were some targets on the beach including a few modern coins and miscellaneous bits junk.

John Brooks South Friday Afternoon.

Walton Rocks Friday Afternoon.

Walton Rocks Friday Afternoon.


Several ancient Roman coins were analyzed. Below is part of what the lead author concluded.

We know that the Romans deliberately surface enriched their silver coins to 'hide' the fact there was a lot of copper in them, so it is plausible something similar happened to the gold. Our work at ISIS enabled us to sample the very center of these coins totally non-destructively and conclusively show that the high purity seen on the surface was representative of the composition of the 'core' of the coin. At a basic level it is further testament to the economic health of the Roman Empire, but these conclusions are also useful for researchers who need to employ non or negligibly-destructive techniques on the surfaces of Roman gold coins. Now they can be confident the surface is representative of the bulk of these objects."...

Here is the link for more about that.


The illustration above comes from an interesting but too short article that presents some interesting ideas.

He makes four points:

  1. Spatially “there is far more world, more cosmos out there than your eyes can even approximately capture” Whether it is the expanse of the earth–I can’t see what’s going on in Swaziland– or the trillions of galaxies. Even with the best cameras and telescopes and satellites there is far more than you can see.
  2. Chronologically – there are thousands-yea billions of years which we can never experience or see, but the effects of those events are real and there is even more unseen in the future.
  3. Scientifically – In addition to Gamma Rays, X Rays, Radar, Radio Waves, Shortwaves etc.  we accept that there are quadrillions of atoms buzzing within and around us but you can’t see them. Light itself is not something you can see. You see things because of light, but light itself is invisible. We can’t see the electromagnetic radiation that operates our cell phones or, for that matter, the electricity that powers our lives. Father Paine goes on to point out that science itself tells us that only 5% of matter is the stuff we can experiment on. 95% of “dark matter and energy” remains mysterious, invisible and unidentified. 95%!!

He concludes, “Thus on a material basis alone, any scientifically enlightened view of reality must concede that beyond the tiny slice of cosmos we are able to perceive there is incalculably more that is unseen.”

Here is the link.

On Seeing the Unseen | Fr. Dwight Longenecker

Metal detecting is all about trying to detect, or sense, what is below the sand and therefore unseen.

Many scientific advances involved methods of seeing the unseen.  The microscope and telescope would be examples.



The surf is predicted to be a couple feet higher Saturday.

Happy hunting,
