Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.
Above is an interesting "heart" cob listed in the current Sedwick treasure auction as lot 752. There is still lots of time remaining to bid. Here is the link for the second session, which is where you'll find this lot.
As you can see, when I looked at it, the bid was already $17,000.
Author and researcher Laura Strolia provided authoritative research on heart cobs for the treasurebeachesreport.blogspot.com. Here is that link.
The second session of the auction offers a large number of Potosi and and Mexico reales, including a number of Charles and Joanna coins and a good number of nice Mexico-minted half reales.
These auctions are of great value for anyone wanting to become more familiar with coins and artifacts, which I've been saying is important. If you know what you are looking for and what you are seeing when you dig something up on the beach, you will be much better off. You will not get a better view o so such a variety of coins and artifacts, even if you go to a museum. The auctions provide a great study tool.
Here is another Treasure Coast bottle find. I'll add it to my tgbottlebarn site too.
Embossed Lucky Tiger Hair Products Bottle. |
This one does not appear to be real old. It has an H in a square as the bottle maker's mark on the bottom. That indicates the Hemingray Glass Co., which according to the SHA.org site, would put it between 1924 - 1935.
The maker's marks can really help narrow down the date of a bottle.
Here is what one beach looked like at Melbourne yesterday.
Melbourne Beach Yesterday Photo by DJ. |
We are going to get some good tides today. Here is the chart for Fort Pierce. Of course the other areas will be a little different, so if you want to be more precise, you'll need to check the chart for the specific area of interest.
Fort Pierce Surf Prediction. Source: MagicSeaWeed.com. |
Good hunting,