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Sunday, April 23, 2023

4/23/23 Report - South Hutchinson Island Treasure Coast Beaches This Morning and One Find.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

John Brooks Beach Sunday Morning.

I took a look at some beaches this morning.  As expected, the beaches in my neighborhood weren't looking very good.  There had been some erosion mid-beach some time in the not too long ago, but the beach fronts were mushy.

John Brooks Beach Sunday Morning.

You can see in this photo where the erosion had been. 

There were plenty of foot prints in the dry sand, indicating a lot of recent traffic.

John Books Beach Sunday Morning.

Frederick Douglass Beach Monday Morning.

As is often the case, Frederick Douglass Beach was much like John Brooks Beach.  

There were some shell piles.  I haven't seen many shell piles in recent years.

Frederick Douglass Beach Sunday Morning.

Even though that little cut is not where it would likely produce old shipwreck coins, at least it does concentrate modern recent drops to some extent.  Not a lot, but enough to possibly be helpful.  With the amount of traffic on these beaches recently, that can be productive.

10K Gold Bracelet Find.

Things, like the bracelet find shown above, can easily get buried under the loose sand in front of these cuts

Fort Pierce South Jetty Beach Sunday Morning.

They continue to dump sand along Fort Pierce Beach.  This is a huge amount of new sand.

Fort Pierce South Jetty Beach Sunday Morning.

The new sand stretched to the south as far as I could see.  That is a lot of new sand, which will affect the beaches to the south for a long time.

I didn't find conditions good for hunting old shipwreck items, but the amount of recent beach traffic and beach conditions suggested it was worth taking a look for modern items.

Nothing special in the surf predictions.

Good hunting,