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Wednesday, August 2, 2023

8/2/23 Report - A Lesser-Known Wreck: The Sunrise Wreck. More Spanish Coin Finds From Fernandina. Skinwalker Ranch TV.

Written by the Treasureguide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Coin From the Sunrise Wreck.
Source: Fort Lauderdale Sunrise Wreck, Fort Lauderdale Florida, USA: Possible salvage by others: (

When I started to post about this wreck, I was going to post from my own notes, which are admittedly old and sketchy.  I decided to look for more current information and found a blog about the same wreck, the "Sunrise Wreck," that had posts that were posted in 2008 and 2009, much later than my notes.  I think that blog was created by the fellows that are credited with finding that wreck.

The identity of the ship is unknown but appears to date to the first half of the 19th century.  My original notes dated it to 1823, but I've also seen other dates suggested.

Although the coins seem to be mostly Spanish, the artifacts are mostly British, and it is believed to be a British wreck.  

Sextant From Sunrise Wreck.

The wreck produced numerous Spanish eight reales dating from 1773 to 1823.  Originally discovered in the sixties, the wreck was excavated a short time by General Exploration Inc. They stopped in 1967.

The blog I found doesn't have a lot of posts, and like I said, I found nothing posted later than 2009.  Still it is worth looking at.

Here is the link.

If you scroll down the first page eventually, you'll find the archives with the individual posts.  There are a number of great photos of artifacts.  Some are ceramic, but there are also coins, spikes, and quite a variety of artifacts.  


Here are some old notes on another Fernandina find.  

Found by Robert Cribbs in 1926 "near Old Town and not far from Fort Clinch," this was a small group of Charles IV and Ferdinand VII eight-reales.  The deposit was thought to be from the 1820s.

The coins were found "near Old Town not far from Fort Clinch."

That find was published in the Feb. 1926 Numismatist.  

There are some interesting places to research.

By the way, Fort Clinch State Park is supposed to be a good place to find shark teeth.


I've been watching the Skinwalker Ranch program lately and finding it interesting.  It seems to be coinciding with the type of thing I posted about UAPs the other day, which isn't altogether surprising since some of the people on the program served on a UAP task force.

I'm finding my Treasure Coast UFO photo more interesting.  It matches some of the things I've been seeing on TV and the internet very nicely.  Originally, I pretty much discounted it, but now maybe it is something.  Can't say for sure.  

Skinwalker Ranch shows lot of cool technology and I'm enjoying it.  Real or not, it provides some interesting food for thought.

At least they have some serious people on it, unlike some of the other "reality" TV shows.


Here is more bad economic news for Disney.

Disney Loses More Ground (

Iger was brought back to replace the former CEO, Chapek, who was replaced after a two-and-a-half-year tenure during which Disney’s stock dropped 53% in the last 20 months.  


The National Hurricane Map has quieted down a bit, but we are still having some decent low tides.

Good hunting,