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Wednesday, August 23, 2023

8/23/23 Report - Erosion On The Treasure Coast This Morning. Some Treasure Coast Beaches and a Hunt Described.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

John Brooks Beach Wednesday Morning.

I went out to some Treasure Coast Beaches this morning.  I'll report on my outing today.  I haven't done that kind of post for a while.  There are multiple reasons for that.

John Brooks Beach Wednesday Morning.

There was a cut that was up to three feet along John Brooks beach this morning.  I suspect it happened yesterday, but Brooks have been cutting sometimes when most other beaches haven't been. 

It was a nice-looking cut but there is way too much sand there.  The cut is way out in front of the dunes.  

At the base of the cut it was very mushy.  The beach in front of the cut was convex and more firm mid-slope to lower.

John Brooks Beach Wednesday Morning.

There were some targets, mostly at the wet sand, but they appeared to be mostly junk and modern, which is what you'd expect on the slope of a convex beach.

Walton Rocks Wednesday Morning.

Still a lot of sand piled up here, but some has been lost.  

Walton Rocks Beach Wednesday Morning.

Walton Rocks was not cut like John Brooks. You can see that.

Walton Rocks Beach Wednesday Morning.

It won't be long before the snow birds start showing up again.

Fort Pierce South Jetty Beach Wednesday Morning.

Miles and miles of sand.  There was however a small cut area up close to the jetty.  The cut was only about one or two feet high at the most.

Fort Pierce South Jetty Beach Wednesday Morning.

The little cut area was scooped out or concave, unlike the slope in front of the cut at Brooks.

Pendant Find.

Here is my most interesting find today, but nothing very good.  Looks like junk but is unusually heavy.  I need to test it.

The coin pattern was instructive.  There were quarters and modern coins along the foot of the cut and a coin line down in the wet sand, where there were a lot of zinc pennies and a few other little items.

I started out scanning in a regular beach discrimination mode, but after finding a few coins in a small area slowed down and switched to pinpoint mode and found quite a few more.

I like using pinpoint in promising areas, especially in wet sand.

I enjoyed my brief metal detecting outing this morning.  It was like reestablishing a neglected relationship, getting a feel for my detector and the beach once again.

Practice might not make perfect, but it usually will make better.

A lot of activity out there but I'm not expecting anything very exciting for the Treasure Coast for at least a few days.  I'll keep watching to see if something that will help us eventually develops.

The past couple years, October and November have produced some great old finds.  Maybe we'll get a good storm before that.

Good hunting,