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Sunday, March 21, 2021

3/21/21 Report - Beaches Around The Treasure Coast Showing Very Little Erosion. Avoid South Beach Miami.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Ambersands Beach Sunday Morning.

Spring has offically arrived and so have the Springbreakers. 

Avoid Miami South Beach.  South Beach is being destroyed by riotous crowds.  South Beach is now unsafe and disgusting.  Look into it.

From what I hear, Fort Laudaerdale seems to be having no such problem.   I do remember when Fort Lauderdale got out of control during Spring Break back in the seventies, I think it was.  At one point  they called in Billy Graham to try to calm things down.  Ft. Lauderdale decided they didn't want to be the college Spring Break destination and got that changed.  Before that Spring Breakers were so packed together on the beaches that there was no place to walk.  They say the crowds of rioters are packed together like that in Miami now.

I took a look at a number of the treasure beaches in the Vero/Sebastian area Sunday morning.  Above you see Ambersands, which was mushy except for a narrow strip of renouishment sand near the top.

Ambersands Beach Monday Morning Near Low Tide.

A couple detectorists were working along a small cut in the renouishment sand to the south.

Treasure Shores park was open, but Golden Sands was closed.

Wabasso Monday Morning.

There were three detectorists at Wabasso when I got there.  You can see them in the above photo.   One of them told somebody as the left that they didn't even get a single beep.  I saw no digging either.

New sand was recently dumped at Disney.

Seagrape Trail Monday Morning.

Seagrape didn't look very interesting.  No cuts other than the sand pile up at the base of the new steps.

Seagrape South Monday Morning.

Below is Tuttle Trail looking north around the first flag pole.  The top of the bags are barely showing.

Below is an area to the south where the I saw the largest cuts, which were not much more than a foot high.  

The cuts were smaller and farther back towards the dunes this time.  In some places the water barely touched the foot of the dune face, and in some places the cut was just a few feet in front of the dune face.

Turtle Trail Down Towards The Second Flag Pole Monday Morning.

The cuts didn't extend to the south hundreds of yards like the last time.  Too bad.

When I got up I almost didn't decide to go out.  I didn't see much wind.

The waves were lined up very parallel to the beach rather than hitting at an angle.

Last time when we had that wind and a bigger surf, when I looked out from the access I immediately saw the water washing north to south over the beach front.  Not this time.  This time the water was running in and out perpendicular to the beach. 

 Saturday afternoon I took a look at John Brooks and the access below Frederick Douglass.

John Brooks Saturday Afternoon.

Nothing interesting was developing at John Brooks Saturday afternoon.  You can see that above.

It looked like the horses road up that way for a change.

John Brooks Beach Saturday Afternoon.

The Next Access South of Frederick Douglass Saturday Afternoon.

You can see how the waves are very parallel to the beach.

Below is a good example of dune migration.  You can see how the sand blew back and covered the rope fence.

Dune Migration.

The surf size doesn't look bad, but the lack of wind, the direction of the swells and the lack of high tides is not good.  Look at how flat the tides are.



Thats all for now.

I'm not expecting much this time.  But there is always a chance.  

Happy hunting anyhow.