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Saturday, August 31, 2024

8/31/24 Report - Treasure Coast Half Reale Showing Partial Date. Chance to See ROV in Action. Old Computers. Active Atlantic.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

171X Mexico Phillip V Half-Reale from Treasure Coast Beach.

Yesterday I posted a great half-reale found by Scott.  It showed the "1/2" denomination mark to the right of the monogram.  That seems to be pretty unusual for Treasure Coast beach finds. We wanted to know if any of you had found half-reales showing the denomination mark.

The Mexico half-reale shown above is another Phillip V half reale found on a Treasure Coast beach, and as you will quickly notice, does not show the denomination mark.  I believe it is however, otherwise similar to the one found by Scott.  If another part of that cob was shown, it might show the same denomination mark but like most, it does not.

As I said yesterday, half-reales, especially beach found half-reales, seldom show all the details.  Either they show one side or the other or the top or the bottom, but seldom do they show all, or even most, of the design features.

The one shown above shows the mint mark and assayer initials, as well as a partial date.  The mint mark or assayer initials are very commonly seen on beach detected half-reales, but in my experience, the date is less common.

I show this one because I think it shows the same or very similar to the one Scott showed the other day, but another part of the cob is displayed on this one.


Save the Date for the 2024 Indian River Lagoon Science Festival coming in Oct.

The Indian River Lagoon Science Festival returns for its ninth year on Saturday, Oct. 26 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Veteran’s Memorial Park, part of the River Walk Center in Fort Pierce. This FREE day of discovery promises to be a blast for the whole family with dozens of hands-on and minds-on activities exploring the wonders of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM). The Indian River Lagoon Science Festival showcases the important role of science and how fun it can be, as well as the many amazing resources and organizations throughout our region. Just a few of the activities that participants can enjoy this year include: ● Control underwater remotely operated vehicles with the Smithsonian Marine Station ●...

Here is the link for more about the festival and the activities.

Save the Date for the 2024 Indian River Lagoon Science Festival Oct., St. Lucie County, Comm. Director Erick Gill (

Did you catch the last one I listed here.  "Control underwater remotely operated vehicles with the Smithsonian Marine Station."

So if are interested in submersible ROVs, you might want to check it out.


I found the upcoming "History of Computing" Chisties auction interesting.  I reviewed the lots and was amazed by how many of those expensive computers and related items I've actually used.  They played a big role in my career and life.

Here is the link.

Firsts: The History of Computing from the Paul G. Allen Collection (



As you can see the Atlantic area has become more active.


So it looks like the one most to the east has best chance of coming our way.

The surf is still not big, but there will be another 3-foot high tide this evening.

Good hunting,

Friday, August 30, 2024

8/30/24 Report - Unusual Half-Reale Find from a Treasure Coast Beach. Research on Mystery Item. Reason for Ukraine War.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Unusual Half-Reale Showing Denomination Mark.
Find and photo by Scott C.

Here is a great Treasure Coast cob find. As you can see it is a Phillip half reale. I'd say it is from Mexico. Besides being a great cob overall, notice the denonination to the right of the monogram.

The last couple of days I posted some pictures of half reales that were found on the Treasure Coast. I was glad to hear from an old friend who sent the picture of this cob that was found on a Treasure Coast beach.  I was happy to hear from Scott and was delighted to see the picture of a great half reale.  Scott found another one that shows the denomination, but this one is the best of the two.  It is unusual for a beach half-reale to show the denomination.  First of all, few half reales were minted with a denomination mark, but it is unusual to find a cob that shows the entire design detail.   

Scott C., who found this cob, said he'd never talked to any other detectorist who has found a half-reale showing the denomination, and he has never found a picture of one on the internet that shows the denomination.

If you have found a half-reale that shows the denomination, Scott and I would love to hear about it, and if possible, see a picture.

Thanks much for sharing Scott.


Stitt Sparkplug Mystery Find.

You might remember this mystery find I made and posted a few days ago.  Mark G. did some great research.  He sent a picture of the item to the Stitt company.  Below is the note they sent back to Mark in response to his query.

Hello Mark,

That is ancient! Three of us here that have been here over 40 years don’t ever remember seeing a Stitt plug with “Florida East Coast Railway” on it.

Stitt started as LaFrench  Power Spark Plug in 1916 & was renamed Stitt in 1918. It became Stitt Spark Plug Co. in 1951 and sometime shortly after that the logo was changed to resemble what we have today. So this was definitely prior to 1951 while the company was still in Ohio.


Stitt Sales Team

Stitt Spark Plug Co.

Thanks much for the great research Mark. 

As Mark pointed out to me, it could have been from a maintenance vehicle or something other than a locomotive.

There is a good tip for conducting research.  There may be times when you can contact the company for information.


Here are the enlightening details of how the Ukraine War actually started.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Explains How The Ukraine Russia War Started (

When that war started I quit using the Happy Hunting sign off. That simply seemed to light-hearted for all that death and destruction that is going on in the world.


There was truth and knowledge long before the scientific method was developed.  

There are other ways of knowing, and science does not define all that does or does not exist - it simply discovers and describes the very small subset of reality to which the formal method has been applied.  



AS you can see, there is now some activity in the Atlantic.  The map is starting to look more normal for this time of year.  

Keep an eye on this.  

Good hunting,

Thursday, August 29, 2024

8/29/24 - Charles II Half-Reales From Treasure Coast Beaches. 18th Century Wreck. Ancient Copper Polution.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Preliminary dating suggests that the wreck sank around 1780, but no one knows the vessel's original name... 

A team of marine archaeologists has been meticulously studying the wreck for the past three years. The Hilma wreck is a wooden vessel, approximately 33 metres long and eight metres wide. However, its original name and origins remain shrouded in mystery...

Here is the link for more about that.

Archaeologists examine mysterious wreck off Suomenlinna | Yle News | Yle


Hidden 5,000-Year-Old Copper Pollution Found Near The Great Pyramid of Giza

New geoarchaeological research shows that metalworking in ancient Egypt led to significant contamination in a nearby port.

Hidden 5,000-Year-Old Copper Pollution Found Near The Great Pyramid of Giza (


Yesterday I posted some pictures of half reales and a link to a document that listed the versions of Lima half reales.  The first were Carolus II half-reales.  If you look at the Lima half reales shown in that document, they look somewhat different from the Carolus half-reales that I've found on the Treasure Coast.  There is a reason for that.  Maybe you can guess what it is.

Below is a stylized Carolus half-reale monogram.  It not presented as an exact representation of any found monograms.  It is just a kind of average or general representation.

Stylized Charles II Monogram.

The above stylized monogram, like the Charles II monograms shown yesterday, have the left most stroke of the A ending at the low point of the C.   The Carolus II half-reales that I've found at John Brooks and other beaches have the left bar extending through the C, as shown on the partial half-reale below.

Charles II Half-Reale Found on Treasure Coast Beach.

Notice that the bar of the A extends through the C.  The same bar or extension also has a horizontal bar at the end of the stanchion.  You might call it a foot.

I usually found it easy to quickly identify Charles II half reales even if a lot of the monogram was not shown on the cob, as is the case with the partial half., shown above.

You can see the assayer mark on that one too.  It looks like a C, but is actually a G.

Below is another example of a Charles II half reale found on a Treasure Coast beach.

Charles II Half Reale Found on Treasure Coast Beach.

You can't see the foot of the A on this one but you can see that the bar extends through the C.

It appears to me that the Lima half-reales do not show the A intersecting the C, but the Mexico minted half reale monograms do.  I haven't researched that extensively, but that is my conclusion from what I've seen.  

Below is another example of a Mexico minted half reale - this one was sold in a Sedwick auction.

I always liked to find the Charles II half reales, which in my experience were less common on the Treasure Coast beaches than those bearing a Phillip monogram.



As you can see, thee is one area ot there that could develop into a storm.  Keep an eye on it.

Surfguru is still showing a surf on only one or two feet for the next week.

Good hunting,

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

8/28/24 Report - Nineteen Varieties of Half Reales For Study. War Dogs of World War II.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Half Reale.1.

Let's play a game - Name the Reign.  On second thought that is too easy?   Where were these coins minted?  

Half Reale 2.

Half Reale 3.

Half Reale 4.

Did you get the first one?  Do you know what it is?  You can see the last three digits of the date easy enough, and you can see the monogram, which indicates Charles II.  

Here are the details.

This comes from a paper by Oscar Valdez, who divided the reales into categories.  More on that later.  As you can see, this coin, or cob, is what he calls Variety 1.

The second one is an example of Variety 5.

You see the Phillip monogram on this 1703 cob too.

The third coin is variety XI.

This one doesn't show as much good detail.  You can find more about it by using the link below.

But first, the fourth coin shown above.

Below is the link for finding information on the fourth coin as well as other cobs and descriptions of the verities described by Valdez.

Here is the link.

All the half-reale varieties described in this paper, and those shown above, were minted in Lima between 1684 and 1752.  The first three shown above are of a date that puts them in the range of dates possible for 1715 Fleet cobs.

You may have found some with the familiar Charles and Phillip monograms.

It seems using the e on the end of real as become common.  That is a convention I started using almost twenty years ago, and since then it seems to have caught on.


Enlisted dogs of World War II.

These first steps were undertaken by Lt. Col. Clifford C. Smith, chief of the Plant Protection branch, Quartermaster Corps, who was responsible for the security of not only military installations across the United States but also the factories that produce the materials needed for an all-out war effort. It was strongly urged that the use of sentry dogs would be advantageous against any sabotage operations.

A major change took place on July 16, 1942, when Secretary of War, Harold Stimpson, directed the quartermaster general to train dogs for other functions besides sentry duties. These abilities would include scout and patrol, messenger, and mine detection. Unofficially the Quartermaster Corps termed the war dog program, the “K-9 Corps.” The program would be expanded even further, providing dogs for both the Navy and Coast Guard. It should be noted that the Coast Guard maintained the largest contingent of war dogs, more that 1,800, for patrols along the east and west coastlines of the United States during World War II...

Here is the link to a lengthy article.

WW2 Volunteer Effort | US War Dogs



There is a little activity on the map now, but it looks like the one will stay far out to see and it will be a while before the other one develops, if it ever does.

The surf will remain small for a week or so.  The high tides are becoming less high.

Good hunting,

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

8/27/24 Report - Bronze Ship Ram Found. Mystery Find Identified. Biltmore Dairy Bottle. Nectar Mining.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the treasure Beaches Report.

Bronze Ram From Ancient Ship.
Source: Superintendency of the Sea.

ROME, Aug 23 (Reuters) - An ancient Roman relic from the almost 2,300-year-old naval battle in which Rome defeated its archenemy Carthage has been recovered from waters off western Sicily, regional authorities said on Friday.
The 3rd-century B.C. bronze ram, which was put on the bow of warships to attack enemy vessels, was found at a depth of about 80 metres (260 feet) in the area of the archipelago of the Aegates Islands, the Sicilian regional government said in a statement.

Ancient ram from naval battle between Rome and Carthage found off Sicily | Reuters


I once found a Miami Biltmore half pint dairy bottle.  I never figured out if it came from the Biltmore Dairy in North Carolina or not but I just found a good post in the Biltmore Estate blog about the dairy there.  Still not absolutely sure if the dairy is that one, but am starting to suspect it is.  What do you think?

Biltmore Dairy Bottle.


I've had offers to buy this bottle, but didn't feel I had my research done yet.  

Maybe someone could find information on the phone number.  If it is a North Carolina number that would settle it for me.

Beyond the dairy, original agricultural operations included sheep, hog, and poultry farms, and a substantial market garden for produce. All of these endeavors, collectively named Biltmore Farms, contributed to George Vanderbilt’s ability to fulfill the estate’s mission of self-sufficiency.

However, Biltmore Dairy was the most successful of all of Biltmore’s enterprises, providing the estate with a financial cushion that would see it through George Vanderbilt’s death, two world wars, the Great Depression, and beyond...

Here is the link for more information about the dairy on the Biltmore Estate in near Ashville.

The bottle was found near the FEC tracks where a lot of railroad stuff was found, including the mystery item shown yesterday.  Interesting how working land sites produce things that go together to fill out the story.

On the mystery Item, Jorge Y. said the following.

The item in your blog is a spark plug made by stitt. The FEC switched some engines to LNG back in 2017. Stitt makes spark plugs fir industrial engines that run on natural gas.

Thanks Jorge.

I misread Stitt as State. It was in small letters.

Seems like maybe someone just threw it down there. Its not old at all, but don't know why they'd be changing plugs there.


Three honey bees mining golden nector from a Dragon Fruit plant blossom.

Three Bees Mining Golden Polen From Dragon Fruit Blossom.



Not much there.  Just a low pressure area that could develop.

The surf is predicted to remain around two feet for the week.  The high tides are decreasing just a little.

Good hunting,

Monday, August 26, 2024

8/26/24 Report - Mystery Object Find. Eight Reale Counterfeit Found by Detectorist. Interesting Book. Blue Steaks in the Sky.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Florida East Coast Railroad "STATE"
Mystery Find.

It had been raining so I got the urge to go see if anything got exposed by the rain.  Rain erosion also exposes things, and I always like to check out any extensive rain erosion, especially when there has been other earth movement, such as construction, uprooted trees or whatever.  So I taook a little walk, where two or three years ago I was detecting railroad artifacts not too far from the tracks, and noticed the above object that had just been exposed.  It was near a new fences, so it could have been dug up for the fence.  

The object, which looks a lot like a spark plug to me, reads, "FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILROAD" and "STATE."  There might also be a tin star, but I'm not sure if that is a star at the bottom of the circle between FLORIDA and RAILROAD.

My best guess it is a spark plug, but it is not exactly like any I've seen before.  What do you think?  Any and all thougths welcome.


Eight Reale - Fake or Real?
Found by Jody 210.

This coin was dug by Jody210 at an 1800s site back in May, as reported in

So do you think it is fake or real?  It is a pretty obvious fake or counterfeit.  There are several things wrong with it.  It is a known counterfeit that appears in the book, Counterfeit Portrait Eight-Reales: The Un-real Reales (Counterfeit Eight-Reales (2014) by Robert Gurney.

Sound like a very interesting book.  One that I don't yet have.


Blue Trail from Starlink Satellite.

STARLINK SATELLITES ARE TURNING BLUE: A new type of Starlink satellite is making bright blue streaks across the night sky. Direct to Cell Starlinks have a blue coating and are as much as 5 times brighter than their internet-only cousins. Up to 7,500 may be deployed to build a "cell tower in space." Full story @


Nothing much new on the storms/hurricane map.

The high tides are still pretty high, but not quite as big as yesterday.

Good hunting,

Sunday, August 25, 2024

8/25/24 Report - $100 Million Dollar Diamond Found. Fork in the Road. Unusually High High Tides Predicted Today


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

The largest diamond in more than a century has been discovered – and experts say the gargantuan gem could be worth more than $100 million.

The president of Botswana, the African nation where the stone was unearthed by miners, showed off the fist-sized diamond – which at 2,492 carats weighs about a pound – at a viewing ceremony this week.

Officials said it was too early to value the stone or decide how it would be sold. But sources close to Lucara, the Canadian mining company that found the diamond in its Karowe Mine, estimated it could be worth more than $40 million...

Here is the link for more about that.

Thanks to Norbert B. for that link.


Yogi Berra, a beloved catcher for the Yankees who played with Mickey Mantle and other Hall of Famers during the mid-century golden years, was famous for his humorous folksy way with words.  In fact, there is a web site listing fifty Berra quotes, many of which have the ponderable quality of a Zen koan.  One I of those is, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it."  As a detectorist I think of  finding a pronged eating utensil in the road but certainly realize that is not the intended meaning.

In life there are many forks in the road that determine the direction and path of your life. Some of those forks are obvious turning points and may quickly come to mind.  

When I think back over my life, I'm reminded of several major forks in the road.  It is easy to think of such life changing points as well-thought-out deliberate decisions and actions taken to change the direction of your life.  For me it seemed that the timing and appearance of some of the bigger ones was too perfect to be accidental or random even though they seemed to appear from nowhere.  It wasn't just my choice either.  There was more to it than that.  

Anyhow, one of those forks in the road in my life was the following.  I had just finished defending my master's thesis and was walking down the hallway and, on my left, noticed a job listing on the bulletin board.  At the bottom right-hand corner of the bulletin board was a job listing for an instructor of psychology position at a university back near my home.  So I gave them a call, and in a few weeks was teaching at that college.   

Baby boomers were going to college like never before and I had made it through my graduate degree quickly enough to join the job market when the demand for college instructors was hitting a new high, which allowed me to go directly from my master's program into my first college teaching position to teach students who were only a few grades behind me in school.  The timing was one of those fortunate coincidences, if you believe in such things.

I never planned on going into teaching either.  I never gave it a thought before that.  But that is how it happened, and I ended up spending a lot of years in college teaching on and off before I retired.  Unlike some people, I didn't pursue a planned career path.  It just happened.

I didn't start out as a great teacher, for sure, but I grew a lot from going into something that didn't really fit my personality at the time, and it led to other things in the future.

Another fork that I think of (I'll skip others, including one very important one that drastically changed my career path again) was the one that brought me to the Treasure Coast.

After many intervening years of varied professional experiences, I applied for a high-level job in one of the top American companies headquartered in New York.  I didn't hear anything from them for quite a while and was looking at a house on the Treasure Coast. I was living in South Florida at the time.  So I didn't hear from the company for weeks and gave up on that job and decided to buy the house on the Treasure Coast.  After closing on that house, I returned to my place in South Florida to discover a message asking if I wanted the job in New York.  Having just bought the house on the Treasure Coast, I declined the New York offer.  The timing was remarkable.  I waited weeks and heard nothing.  And then within a few hours of buying the house, was offered the New York job.  It seemed like more than coincidence to me.

In my professional life, I was more like a leaf floating along a stream.  I never doggedly pursued a planned career path, but I don't regret it.  I wouldn't recommend it, but it worked out pretty well for me.  I did things I never imagined I would and probably some things I wasn't designed for and wasn't very good at, but I grew from the varied challenges.  Maybe I could have gone farther and accomplished more.  I'll never know, but it was an interesting trip.  

It isn't that I never put effort and discipline into any area of my life - oddly it was some of the bigger areas, like my professional life, that I left up to fate or whatever you might call it.  I had faith that it would work out and didn't really concern myself with it much.  When it came to personal challenges, I exercised uncommon levels of effort and discipline.  I somehow always felt that the bigger things, as most people would judge, would take care of themselves, and, for me, it always seemed to.  

Translating all of that to metal detecting, you can set some goals and doggedly pursue a particular treasure or treasures or you can let it take you wherever it will.  When you take the second track, it seems more like the treasures present themselves.  The right track is probably different for different people, but no matter which approach you take, take time to reflect on and appreciate the journey, and when you look back, I bet you'll see a whole string of forks in the road.  

As Yogi said, "When you come to a fork in the road, take it."  Then thank the one that put it there.

For more Yogi quotes see Yogi Berra quotes: The 50 greatest sayings from Yankees legend (


No new storms brewing.  

The high tides today will be unusually high.  You might want to check that out.

Vero Pier Surf Forecast from

Saturday, August 24, 2024

8/24/24 Report - WWI Shipwreck Found. Grocery Shopping For Megafauna With Pikes. Where Are The Hurricanes?

Written by the Treasureguide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report. 

Explorers say they’ve found the wreckage of a British warship that was sunk by a German U-boat during World War I.

Some 524 people, including the ship’s captain, perished when the HMS Hawke went down in the North Sea off the eastern coast of Scotland on Oct. 15, 1914. Seventy crew members survived.

“It’s a big loss of life,” said Kevin Heath, who co-founded the website Lost in Waters Deep, which chronicles naval losses around Scotland by the United Kingdom’s Royal Navy and other countries during the conflict. “She’s a big ship. And it’s one of the first ships lost in World War I.”...

Here is the link for more about that.

Explorers say they’ve found a British warship sunk by a German U-boat in World War I : NPR


When it came to taking down giant animals, prehistoric hunters would quite literally have faced a mammoth task. Now researchers have shed fresh light on how they might have done it.

Experts studying sharp stone points made by the Clovis people, who lived in the Americas from about 13,000 years ago, say that rather than hurling spears at enormous animals such as giant bison, mammoths or ground sloths, the tribes could have planted their weapons point-up in the ground to impale charging creatures.

“We are only now recognising that people in many cultures have hunted or defended against megafauna with planted pikes for thousands of years,” said Dr Scott Byram of the University of California, Berkley, a co-author of the study...

Here is that limk.

Prehistoric humans may have stuck pikes in ground to kill mammoths, say experts | Anthropology | The Guardian


If you recall, they predicted a very active hurricane season, but we've seen very little so far.  Here is a discussion of that.

The typical peak of hurricane season has arrived. Historically speaking, about two-thirds of Atlantic hurricane activity occurs between Aug. 20 and Oct. 10. The Gulf of Mexico contains record hurricane fuel, and the Atlantic’s waters are alarmingly hot. And yet, the Atlantic is silent.

No storms are in the forecast any time soon. In fact, the rest of August may go without a single named storm forming. And as September looms, many are wondering when — or if — the Atlantic will awaken again.

Forecasters are doubling down on their predictions for a hyperactive season, with enough named storms to exhaust the conventional naming list used by the National Hurricane Center. Researchers at Colorado State University are calling for a season nearly twice as active as average, as measured by a metric called ACE, or Accumulated Cyclone Energy. That measures how much energy storms churn through across a season.

In the near term, it looks like the calendar will flip to September uneventfully — but then the temporary reprieve will come to a grinding halt. Storm activity is likely to increase as next month begins, and a flurry of storminess is probable deeper into the month....

Here is that link.

Where Are All The Hurricanes? (


Nothing much new in the forecasts.

Despite the slow hurricane season and the lack of storms to stir the summer beaches, we will be heading into fall, which has in recent years produced some nice storms and great metal detecting finds.

Good hunting,

Thursday, August 22, 2024

8/23/24 Report - Silver Coin Hoard Found. Presto Canning Jars and Illinois Glass Company Finds. More High Tides and Small Surf.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.


Maybe a couple months ago I did a post showing some Ball Mason jars and mentioned some of the other brands.  On the heal it is embossed MFG. by ILLINOIS GLASS WORKS.

Unlike many canning jars found, this jar has its metal top intact, as shown below.

Top of Same Presto Canning Jar.

 The Illinois Glass Co. merged with the Owens Bottle Co. in 1929 to create the massive Owens-Illinois Glass Co.  This jar manufactured by the Illinois Glass Co. was therefore manufactured prior to 1929. 

Three Other Presto Jars From the Treasure Coast.

The left most jar shown above is embossed PRESTO GLASS TOP on the front, and on the heal is embossed, MFG. by ILLINOIS GLASS CO.

The small bottle in the center is emboassed PRESTO and on the heal MFG. by ILLINOIS GLASS CO.

And the bottle on the right, is embossed PRESTO SUPREME MASON, and on the bottom (not the heal) OWENS ILLINOIS GLASS COMPANY.  So, this one would presumably be from after 1929.

Below are a variety of Presto jars produced by the Illinois Glass Company.

Presto Canning Jars by Illinois Glass Co.
Source: IGCo.pdf (

For much more information on the Illinois Glass Company, which made many other kinds of jars, see IGCo.pdf (

By the way the metal tops, if in good condition, are worth a couple dollars.


  • A resident of a southwest German town working on a construction project unearthed a stash of medieval coins minted around 1320 AD.
  • The value of the roughly 1,600 coins recovered was deemed enough to have purchased 150 sheep at the time.
  • The coins span multiple mints through Germany, Switzerland, and France.
Archaeologists descended on the site the same day, quickly uncovering roughly 1,000 coins. The next day, rain turned the soil into knee-deep mud, but the archaeologists armed themselves with metal detectors and still recovered approximately 600 additional coins.

Here is the link for more about that.

Construction Worker Finds Secret Stash of 700-Year-Old Coins (

Thanks to William K. for that link.


There is nothing new on the National Hurricane Center Atlantic and Caribbean map.

The Surfguru chart shows a one of two foot surf for the Treasure Coast but another day of nice high tides.   

Good hunting,