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Thursday, August 1, 2024

8/2/24 Report - Metal detectorist Finds Coin Cache, 1715 Fleet Book, More on Search Patterns. Tropical Cyclone Coming(?) Soon.

Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Metal detectorists discovered a cache of ancient coins in a field in eastern Poland, according to a CBS News report. Three of the coins are Roman dinars minted between A.D. 138 and 161. These coins bear an image of the face of the emperor Antoninus Pius (reigned A.D. 138 and 161). Another silver dinar is imprinted with the face of his wife, Faustina the Younger, dated to A.D. 141. The face of the emperor Marcus Aurelius has been identified on another dinar dated to A.D. 174. A piece of one coin, which also bears the face of Antoninus Pius and has been dated to between A.D. 146 and 152, had been cut away, perhaps during a trade transaction....

Here is the link for more about that..

News - Cache of Roman Coins Discovered in Poland - Archaeology Magazine


DJ sent me an excerpt from a book on the 1715 Fleet.  You can find the book on Amazon as well as other places, I'm sure.

Here is the link for more about that book.

Thanks DJ.


Yesterday I talked about metal detecting search patterns and strategies. I'll add just a little more to that today.

People imagine that they swing left to right and right to left in a straight line, but thypical the sweep pattern is more like that shown in the illustration below.

Notice that at the end of the sweep, the coverage might be less complete.

As I explained yesterday, if you hold your detector in your right hand, the coil covers more to the right side than the left. Below is a representation of that.

As a result of that, some passes may need to be closer than others to obtain more complete coverage. I did an old post with some information on that. Below is that link.

The Treasure Beaches Report Direct From Florida's Treasure Coast.: 9/12/19 Report - Coil Awareness and Gridding. Could Be New Storm Forming Not Too Far Away.


Source: nhc,noaa.gove

Looks like we now have something like a 60 percent chance of a tropical cyclone developing in the next forty-eight hours.  And Surfguru is starting to show that we could have increased surf in the next week or so.

Surf Predictions from

So now you see the prediction of a three-to-four-foot surf by next Thursday.  That really isn't huge, but it is bigger than what we've had for a while.


How many fact checkers does it take to make up a fact?  


Good hunting,