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Monday, August 26, 2024

8/26/24 Report - Mystery Object Find. Eight Reale Counterfeit Found by Detectorist. Interesting Book. Blue Steaks in the Sky.


Written by the TreasureGuide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report.

Florida East Coast Railroad "STATE"
Mystery Find.

It had been raining so I got the urge to go see if anything got exposed by the rain.  Rain erosion also exposes things, and I always like to check out any extensive rain erosion, especially when there has been other earth movement, such as construction, uprooted trees or whatever.  So I taook a little walk, where two or three years ago I was detecting railroad artifacts not too far from the tracks, and noticed the above object that had just been exposed.  It was near a new fences, so it could have been dug up for the fence.  

The object, which looks a lot like a spark plug to me, reads, "FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILROAD" and "STATE."  There might also be a tin star, but I'm not sure if that is a star at the bottom of the circle between FLORIDA and RAILROAD.

My best guess it is a spark plug, but it is not exactly like any I've seen before.  What do you think?  Any and all thougths welcome.


Eight Reale - Fake or Real?
Found by Jody 210.

This coin was dug by Jody210 at an 1800s site back in May, as reported in

So do you think it is fake or real?  It is a pretty obvious fake or counterfeit.  There are several things wrong with it.  It is a known counterfeit that appears in the book, Counterfeit Portrait Eight-Reales: The Un-real Reales (Counterfeit Eight-Reales (2014) by Robert Gurney.

Sound like a very interesting book.  One that I don't yet have.


Blue Trail from Starlink Satellite.

STARLINK SATELLITES ARE TURNING BLUE: A new type of Starlink satellite is making bright blue streaks across the night sky. Direct to Cell Starlinks have a blue coating and are as much as 5 times brighter than their internet-only cousins. Up to 7,500 may be deployed to build a "cell tower in space." Full story @


Nothing much new on the storms/hurricane map.

The high tides are still pretty high, but not quite as big as yesterday.

Good hunting,