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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

8/7/24 Report - Detectorist Finds From Recent Treasure Coast Cut. Debby Washes Up Million Dollars of Cocaine.


Written by the Treasureguide for the exclusive use of the Treasure Beaches Report

Finds From Recent South Wind Cut
by John H.

It didn't take much of south wind and an increase in the surf to open up a little cut, which local Detectorist John H exploited.

Nere is what John said.

I found a nice cut North of the house of refuge in Stuart that I would like to share. It produced some semi older fishing weights, a few thin eagle-backs, nickels, dimes and pennies most from the 80's. I also found two silver rings, one that looks recent and one that looks like it's been there for a while plus two junk metal rings. 

  Hope all is well with you and as always, thank you for your tireless devotion to the hobby and knowledge you impart. I am always looking forward to your next posts. John 

Rings Recently Found by John H.
Love Knot Ring.

Thanks for sharing John.  Way to take advantage of little changes in the wind and surf!


Hurricane Debby brought more than powerful winds and storm surge to Florida — packages of cocaine worth more than $1 million also made landfall, officials said, marking the latest in a string of recent discoveries of drugs along Florida shores...

"Hurricane Debby blew 25 packages of cocaine (70 lbs.) onto a beach in the Florida Keys," Briggs wrote, posting two images of the packages...

Here is the link for more about that.



Bebby is going back out over water but it looks like she will head north rather than circling back around.  Nothing to affect us.

We had a nice low tide Tuesday afternoon. 


Not much surf coming.

Good hunting,